Mechanics aside (which gentlemen Gerrark and magikot described before me in great detail), I like this card because of its flavor. And this review will describe flavor only - if you are looking for actual applications of this piece, feel free to scroll past.

What is the Starlight Crusade? The art on the card I have recalled describes a woman that looks slightly like a nun, with a crucifix on her neck and a white clerical collar. Are they neo-christians? Well, no, even though they like to point at their link to medieval age Order of Templars. What is more accurate is comparing the Crusade to church described in P. K. Dick's 'Do androids dream of electric sheep?' - the Cult of Mercer.

Said worship included interfacing with a machine that, connected to a brain, would allow you to join minds with other believers and the cult's messiah Mercer himself as he walked uphill surrounded by people hurling rocks at him, letting you live through his cathartic suffering again and again in order to cultivate empathy. So-called 'Meditation Booths' technically have a similar idea behind them - neuroscience is the big thing in the world of Android, allowing the researchers to pinpoint the areas of the brain that govern mystical sensations. Starlight Booths stimulate these areas, giving you sense of enlightment, but devoid of any content and regardless of your personal views or imaginations about the afterlife. So while it fulfills social functions of a religion (which would be comforting you and giving you sense of stability), even despite it having some philosophy behind it (which, quite frankly, looks like some patchwork made from hindu and buddhist teachings more than something legitimate), it absolutely fails to do what religions were meant to do in the first place - give answers. A perfect cult for a consumerist world, putting instant gratification over delving deep.

Being a follower of Starlight Crusade would involve attending these booths in order to reach further 'levels of enlightment', which would mean readying your brain for even higher levels of stimulation. Of course, the organization charges you for using their contraptions, the higher the more enlightened you are.

So, the first effect of the card, the tag removal, is more of blending in with the crowd inside the Starlight Citadel than anything. The corps are looking for you, but since you're hiding away amongst some shady techno-sect, recently famous and well-regarded for giving refuge to those harmed during the Flashpoint crisis, they have to be extra careful trying to get to you. The second effect is more interesting.

How does a religious practice prevent getting a rocket to the face? Are you suddenly able to stop the missiles with the power of your will? Can you dodge a bullet because you are the One? No. We are to assume that you are physically hiding inside a booth when the Corp tries to come and get you. These things are built to last, but only so much when met with heavy firepower. The side effect is that the machine activates when you are inside, serving you - willing or not - mystical visions when the soothing impulses are delivered into your cerebral cortex. Whatever was important at the moment - the cards in your grip - becomes washed away with sensation of omniscience and you walk out completely bare-minded.

Compare The Noble Path and Emptied Mind. The latter would actually make for a legitimate combo if not the Corp ability to trash the resources when you are tagged.

EDIT 9/11/2019, super reminiscing revisition edition! Yep. Completely missed the parallel to the Church of Scientology there. My bad.

This is a cool flavor write-up, H0tl1ne. Is the material about how the Starlight Meditation Booths function mentioned in one of the Android novel? —
Actually, I have pulled it out from Worlds of Android sourcebook. The paragraph about Starlight Crusade isn't very long, but pretty informative. And uh, thanks for your kind words. Maybe I'll post more of these, if people find it interesting. —
The meat damage might ALSO be partly a function of hiding in the crowd: I doubt the booth would stop a missile to the face, but the prospect of having to blow up the sanctuary might. —
Perhaps you are right, but why would you lose your grip then? —
From the pack announcement article, I assumed the second ability was meant to represent the costs of joining the cult in exchange for their protection. —
So you join the cult and trash the card - now that you are an initiate, all the protection they offered you is suddenly gone. Doesn't stick IMHO. —
Well, I mentioned PARTLY. I'm assuming you use the booth as in your description. As for why the card doesn't protect you unless you trash your grip, presumably they can just wait for you to leave and then blow you up unless you're spending like 12 hours in there or something. That or it's as whirrun says and you lose their protection because they had to shield you from a bunch of meat damage... —

How come the worst people in the whole world always make this face?

It's gonna be fun facechecking a Tour Guide. Or even Brainstorm or Komainu, for some additional murder on top of your regular murder. Gagarin horizontal decks might become less scory, more killy.

If you feel like BOOM! wasn't enough, this theoretically lets you deal 15 damage in a single turn. Has a janky feel to it, but my gut tells me there is a way to utilize this card in an effective manner that, once found, would make playing Netrunner even more of a bloody chore than it currently is.

This and Inazuma seem like a nice pairing :-) —
It will be difficult to get the counters on it. Maybe Helium-3 Depot can help, but I doubt it. —
It's time stop laughing at Burke's Bug. —
From f*cking annoying to f*cking deadly in just several years. —
it'll make face-checking against Weyland a lot more punishing for sure. —

The in-depth analysis of this card has already been done. I have but one thing to add.

I know, I know it is pain to do so, but bear with me -

I know three influence is a bitch, but listen to me -

This is far beyond your regular jank, but walk this path with me -

Wait for it...






Ladies and gentlemen,

Laramy f*cking Fisk.

Basically, you can choose the order in which the triggers take place. So - FtT allows you to see the card before you decide to either force the draw or not.

And now to answer the ultimate question: is this the card we were all...


Is this the card that some of us...


Is this the card that I have waited for? Or rather, does it make Fisk viable?

Obviously not. Nothing ever could make Fisk viable. But good effort's good.

Surely you can combo these effects with Equivocation (coming in Martial Law) and create a crazy 2-card Look/Dig effect on RnD run success that... is pretty damn insane in magical Netrunner Christmas land. The influence will bankrupt Laramy quickly however. —
Try drug dealer + dr.lovegood + the source in laramy. All 3 are tutorable by Hostage. DrLove can either negate the cost of drug dealer, becoming blue pancakes, or negate the extra cost and self destruct of the source. You could go even further with traffic jam or chetana or film critic or clot. Establish remote lock, make all the corps agendas extremely difficult to score, make them draw cards, use rumor mill so they can't be jackson'ed away, then use turning wheel/legwork/HQI/nerve agent to dive into an HQ guaranteed to be flooded. —
I've happened to utilize the tactics you described, but in Iain Stirling deck. Putting it in Fisk seems fun though. —
...I've just typed in that "putting it in Fisk seems fun". I'm currently completely out of any self-respect. —

I've never yet seen Box-E in play. It seems fairly simple, if not simplistic a card - two pieces more in the grip, two more mem, no additional creds, no free tutors, no double-runs or forced rezzes. Booo-ring!

Unless you realize five plus two is seven. And seven is the number with a significant symbolic meaning. For instance, it holds the ultimate answer to the question why the current meta looks so much like ass.

As it quickly becomes clear, there is no place better suited to let you survive a direct personal ordnance assault than the inside of your boring white photocopier. No, let's say that again - this lets you survive A FREAKING ROCKET TO THE FACE!

What else is it good for?

In this uncertain, grim future of everybody out to slap a ton of tags onto your buttocks only to follow with a barrage of rockets, look no further for your console of choice. It's always been there. Silent, stoic and cuboid. Box-E, your warm and understanding friend for no matter what. It might not hold your hand, but it will comfort your heart nonetheless.

It's like an Aperture Science Companion Cube that actually does something.

The companion cube DOES speak. I'm not hallucinating. You are. —

I like this ID. It has a lot of built-in combo potential.

Parasites and Core Anarch suite come to mind first, yes, along with support of some Datasuckers should prove viable enough, even against stronger, meaner ICE. But this obviously doesn't cut it - that's what you see at the first glance. Let's look again.

All the cards you trash, as you are Anarch, remain easily accessible. Yes, events too, so with proper deck construction you rarely would hesitate to use your talents!

Realize this: if you happen to discard a card to your core ID ability, you can then immediately use Clone Chips to effectively install a program from your grip at instant speed. It is a thing Shapers excel at, but then, Shapers don't have in-faction Parasites, yes?

Wanna make money? Consider extending your circle of influence at Exclusive Parties - after you feed several of them to your ID, of course.

What else is there to say? With Null, you don't have to worry about having to include multiple copies of crucial cards just for the sake of consistency. With such an ability, no card is really useless, so additional copies of, say, a console, won't be much of a hassle. And this, unto itself, is an awesome trait.

I expect Null to see a lot of play very soon. He involves a lot of making decisions on the spot - would I rather use this card or trash it to weaken some ICE? - but if you play your cards right (heh), the result is certainly satisfying. Sure, he won't give us Whizzard back - there's a lot more thought involved when going as Null, which also makes him an ID much more elegant to run - but his sole destructive power is comparable, even if not as direct as Whizz's.

If the card Null discards is Paperclip can it be installed right there and then? —
I think yes. You choose the order in which the triggers happen, so you fire Null first, then the Paperclip and you're good to go. —
that is incorrect: because they have the exact same trigger, by the time you use Null's ability to discard Paperclip, it's too late for Paperclip to trigger from the same encounter. it has to already be in the heap when you encounter the piece of ICE —
dr00 seems to be right, which is additionally backed by a certain discussion on Reddit. —
This is at odds with the ruling in the FAQ about Medical Research Grant and Team Sponsorship. A MRG scored can trigger Team Sponsorship, which puts a MRG on the table from HQ. That new MRG can then score based on the first MRG's ability. The second one does not have to be already on the table to take advantage of the trigger. —
FightingWalloon that is a different timing... Paperclip is installed when approaching an ICE, while Null ability is used during encounter (after approach) hence timing to use Clone Chip or Paperclip has passed... —