Hudson 1.0

Hudson is a first series Bioroid, thus each of his two subroutines can be broken for a click. Both subroutines prevent the Runner from accessing more than one card from a successful run. While possibly best serving to protect a central such as HQ or R&D, he has potential for amusing tricks on a remote server as well.


• High strength to rez cost ratio, right where you want your Code Gates to be. Multiple subroutines is also beneficial, unless facing a Grappling Hook.

• Outside native Yog.0 range, but vulnerable to Yogosaurus.

• One influence is highly splashable into other factions.

• Doesn't care where the multi-access is coming from - Run event, virus or Interface - he will prevent any more than one access.


• Like all 1.0 series Bioroids, he's click breakable and a determined Runner will be able to punch through.

• Within D4v1d range, although unless combined with an e3 Feedback Implants, this is an expensive drain on the program's counters.

• No end the run subroutine, so if the Runner only cares to access one card, Hudson is just ignored.


• Like all Bioroids, Hudson combined with Heinlein Grid is going to cost the Runner all their credits if they choose to spend a click breaking his subroutines.

• Obviously Stronger Together makes for a 3 rez, 6 strength Code Gate, which is an excellent strength:rez ratio.

• Project Wotan agenda counters can make a highly expensive "end the run" subroutine if the Runner has no clicks left. • If the Runner accesses Toshiyuki Sakai and then Sakai bounces, the newly installed card may not be accessed, making a safe Agenda install possible.

• Can make for a surprising rez when Noise is running the Archives intent on stealing multiple Agenda, buying time to Jackson Howard them back or shore up defences.

Putting the flavor text of "Game Over" on a card called Hudson is a delightful bit of fanservice for all us Bill Paxton lovers out there —


Means: "puzzle box". Himitsu-Bako is missing the text that says "save Jinteki faction three influence by removing Ice Wall from your deck list".


• exceptionally cheap barrier that gets blown away once their Corroder is down.

• the ability is superb when faced with Runner decks that like to host Caïssa on your ice; wait for them to break it with Knight (2 ) and bounce it to trash the hosted Program.

• hard ETR, something Jinteki lacks a lot of.

• gives back 3 influence to Jinteki from not needing to include Ice Wall (because Wall of Static / Bastion cost too much).


• exceptionally cheap barrier that gets blown away once their Corroder is down.

• you're never going to catch Parasite with the anti-hosted Program ability.

• every other faction has better options in-faction for a cheap, early game stopper, so the light splash cost is irrelevant.


• Midori could be used to switch out other ice that has been hosted for this, then you can bounce this to make space for the reinstall of the original ice. This may preserve the viability of some of the more positional Jinteki ice.

• Combined with Jackson Howard (or Thomas Haas), Himitsu-bako is able to cause an entire server to disappear, negating any effects that require a successful (or unsuccessful) run.

you didnt mention 1 pro. bouncing himitsu is a clickless ability that you can do anytime. meaning that if the runner is about to access your HQ and you have agendas there you can bounce some puzzle boxes to buff up your hand to waste the runners time and creds. —
Minor combo wih Ashigaru too. Pay 2 creds to get this back in your hand and add one more ETR routine —