Faust Haley

neoshika 14

Random jank!

8 Jul 2015 M1ke

Unfortunately, Dinosaurus won't be able to host Faust due to the non-AI restriction. But on the plus side, that gets you down to 48 cards! :D

8 Jul 2015 Phoenix

Also, isn't Hayley a really bad place for Faust because you clear cards out of your hand so much more quickly?

8 Jul 2015 thesm17

I had a similar idea of using Faust in shaper, but I decided to use Nasir instead. His ability/lack of ability to get money combos well with Faust not costing money to break subs. I posted the decklist here if you want to give it a look.

What's it like using Origami over another big-hand setup like Beach Party? Is it difficult to get them all installed without including Self-modifying Code?

8 Jul 2015 neoshika

Thanks for commenting! Let me actually try to explain my choices.

Dinosaurus: Right, I should have noticed that. The deck was running comet, but i felt like i wasn't using the ability enough to justify the install costs. Also having 50 cards was meant as a feature rather than a flaw, so that the deck has a few more cards to pitch and levy back in. I tend to set up really fast since there is so much draw and many of the cards of cheap, and I would tend to mill my self and need to double or even triple levy.

Origami: I really like it. Costs 0 to install and uses up the memory that is otherwise going to waste, and is especially efficient if you can throw two out or combo one off of the faust. Getting all three does take a bit of luck/drawing, but it totally worth it. 3 origami and 3 public sympathy give a max hand size of 20, which is just absurd with game day. Compared to adjusted chronotype and beach party, origami has lower install costs with pieces that can be installed independent of order. I suppose that losing clicks might not be the worst in a deck like this if you just wanted to beach party.

The Personal Touch: Insanely important to get your faust's strength up a few points, as it really takes the sting off of the card costs to get through ice. e3 also helps with multisub ice, as with all 4 of those pieces you can get through any ice strength 5 or less for 1 card (and maybe a few credits).

Armitage: Sometimes I just ran out of money, and having a few extra chances to click for 2 credits is useful. Also an easy choice of a card to pitch for faust.

Triple Kati: You want to draw her early, and easy duplicates to toss.

Weaknesses of the deck: 1. Swordsman, Turing 2. Highly resistant to kill decks with the many levies and huge hand size, but there tends to be a vulnerability right after popping a levy unless you plan well. 3. No HQ pressure.

Disclaimer This is meant to be a fun deck to bring to casual nights, not tourney-level.