A Deal With The Devil

JamesWinters 137

Get cash, Play Origami, Compress Click, Game Day for 15 cards, Faust their stuff, and win.

The first stages of the game just try to set up as much as you can. Get money, maybe install PPVPs, if you are very rich, get a comet out. You have a very strong early pressure tool in Faust, as you can convert the cards in your hand into accesses.

After you have installed a few Origamis, gotten a few Voicepads out, you just wait for the opponent to start building a scoring remote. They often underestimate how many cards you can get, so when they try to score, go for the throat. If they sit back and wait, just get your R&D interfaces installed and sit back and get rich.

Once you have gone trough your deck once, and Levy, install any remaining Origamis and R&D interfaces and go to town. Just keep the pressure on R&D and make they should not be able to score. Just keep them locked R&D, and you should win.

6 Jul 2015 SlayerCNV

Maybe a single faust for an e3 feedback?

6 Jul 2015 JamesWinters

If you do not find a Faust early, it gives the Corp a huge scoring window. If I were to remove influence, I would go for Medium. It feels like nice filler, but not essential.

I do not feel like I have trouble with multi-sub ice. The only ones that are bothering me even remotely are Curtain Wall, where e3 does not help and Hive, where you can just wait for the corp to score. So far this deck has not run out of cards.

Symmetrical Visage feels fairly useless. It does some work early, but then you have better things to do then click for money.

Things that need testing

Maker's Eye - A great filler card, might be overkill, but getting extra runs off Comet is nice. Modded - Helps to set up faster, later is trash fodder. Also should be really good with Comet.

Escher - An interesting way of dealing with rezzed problem ice by moving them to archives.

Actual Breaker Suite - The problem with including any sort of actual breakers to deal with AI hate is that the memory works out very nicely right now, and messing with that could potentially harm the whole thing. If only there was a breaker that can break anything that is not an AI. Sigh

Miss Kati Jones - Clicks are tight, and this deck needs more bursty money, but I think it would be great to try it out.

6 Jul 2015 JamesWinters

Deck also lacks HQ pressure. Any ideas are welcome.

7 Jul 2015 juliandark

Spending influence on a program that you only need 1 copy installed seems like a waste in shaper, when they got acces to SMC. So certainly -2 Faust +2 SMC. Also Symmetrical visage is not really good here, you wil rarely want to draw manualy between all the card draw. Some more economy, perhaps in the form of Kati Jones?