Kate V1.2 - Suggestions welcomed. please Help

Girvatron 8

Trying to build a solid shaper deck, I don't own cyber exodus yet so a few cards I'd like Test Run, Personal Workshop etc I'll have to wait for. I'm going to try and exploit R&D.

Thoughts appreciated.

I own 1x core, What Lies Ahead, Humanity's Shadow, Future Proof, Second Thoughts, True Colors, Fear and Loathing, Double Time, Upstalk.

21 Mar 2015 4dd150n

One hint I will offer up is this: the true beauty of Self-modifying Code is that it does lifting for you. Since you don't need to worry about card draw, you really only need one copy of each breaker in your suite. This will free up at least three influence allowing you to go down to 1 x Corroder and 1 x Femme. Definitely go with three SMC in most Shaper decks. Three Clone Chips are also pretty essential.

As much as I love The Toolbox and all its wonderful Swiss army knife glory, 9 is a pretty cumbersome install cost, even with Kate's discount. I myself used to try and cram it in my old Kate deck, but it just murders your tempo.

So you have Double Time and Creation and Control: Have you considered the Prepaid Kate route? It won't win you any points for originality but a Pro-Co-powered Prepaid VoicePAD with some Lucky Finds is one of the strongest economic engines on the Runner side, and that Desperado just adds to the party so good call there. You could even ditch the Mopuses as they're sadly inefficient without the Test Runs. You can free up the influence for the Lucky Finds by ditching the Retrieval Runs. They have their place, but a deck like this isn't really it.

Finally, you need some damage protection. Add a Sharpshooter to your programs. It can be SMC'd the second a Corp rezzes a Destroyer like Archer or Ichi 1.0. It will save your bacon on the spot. And definitely, definitely, definitely replace the Public Sympathys with at least two Plascrete Carapaces. Those are pretty much as essential as anything in a runner deck. Scorch decks were always pretty popular, but they're huge now after Order & Chaos.

Well, I rambled on way more than I intended here, and I pretty much just told you to build the exact same Kate deck I run, but I hope you find this useful. Best of luck.

21 Mar 2015 Mechanoise

I'm quite liking the look of this deck, and with the data packs you do have I'm not too sure what to suggest other than playtesting, finding your style with it and finding out what does and doesn't work with it. :)

Datasucker and Atman combo is always great, and with Retrieval Run you can bring the Atman back for a higher / lower strength if you need to. I can suggest cards you may want to get rid of, simply because you may not be using them, and if possible I'll suggest replacements.

To remove:

Levy AR Lab Access + 1 Same Old Thing - Unless you're going to aggressivly chew through your deck, you have no real need for Levy; this deck can be pulled off with without running your deck completely dry. The Same Old Thing will likely be used for surprise The Maker's Eye, and I think 2 will be fine.
Both Feedback Filters - Unless your Meta includes a lot of Brain damaging Bioroids and you do a lot of Facechecking on your last click, you might not need these. I certainly don't think you need it for the Net Damage; I mean, it would take 9 credits to negate a Snare!...Expensive! Jinteki is the master of net damage, but many factions will incorperate Scorched Earth, so Plascrete Carapace would be a good swap. I know it prevents only meat damage, but it's the most popular! Desperado - Now, Desperado is a great console, but with Magnum Opus you should hopefully not need this. The reason I think you should swap this is for the influence. When the Corp catches onto your R&D antics they may go crazy in protecting it, so, you could chew through this with Parasite to eat away at the ICE that is making your hacking complicated. It will also highly compliment Datasucker, as a hosted Parasite can destroy ICE on contact if you have the Datasucker tokens!

If you intend you use Test Run you might want to also consider Eureka! to get the Toolbox and Femme out at 0 cost, since you'll know what card will return to the top of your stack.

All I can suggest is, test it and see for yourself, and I hope this was useful to you.

22 Mar 2015 Mechanoise

Sorry, to correct myself you would not be able to use Test Run on the Toolbox, so that combo doesn't work. :) So Maybe Eureka! is not the best of ideas.