[STANDARD] Rude Evolution

Diogene 4178

Kill turn 2 with no runner interactions, that is the possibility here.

The arrival of Fujii Asset Retrieval, replacing Obokata Protocol, is a gamechanger for Jinteki: Personal Evolution. So much that is could almost be considered rude.


Obokata Protocol allowed for the obnoxious gameplan of being able to score it while the runner could just never score it (the grinding plan). But Fujii Asset Retrieval is so much better. You can put it on the board (behind ice or naked) with two advancements. And next turn, you can Seamless Launch it and then Neurospike for a total of 6 net damages. With a bit of luck, that is a win on turn 2. This is why I think Fujii Asset Retrieval is stronger than Obokata Protocol overall.

While people are polite on jinteki.net, seeing a player leaves 2 seconds after typing "gg" tells me that it might be somewhat frustrating to lose to this type of deck.

Here, this deck push the Neurospike threat further with Clearinghouse. Which will allow us to flatline the runner with Sting! if the sit on 4 cards. All too often, you will be able to flatline the runner without Neurospike, because Sting! is just that good.

The single Regenesis will make it possible to score 4 points, which add value to having agendas hidden in archive.

Here, Kakurenbo (a favorite card of mine) shines! Early on, you can dump (or use Hansei Review) some Sting! along with Fujii Asset Retrieval, for an easy flatline of the runner. Then Kakurenbo something that gives a hard choice for the runner. Is it Urtica Cipher, NGO Front, Clearinghouse or an agenda? Shell games are fair and so much fun.

Tithe is just here to annoy the runner without breaking the bank. Phoneutria could be used instead and would probably synergize better with Mindscaping, but PE is notoriously poor and I wanted to NOT be slowed down by clicking for credits.

Using Mindscaping for tempo and putting something like Snare! on top of the unprotected R&D has punished many runners (especially Mercury: Chrome Libertador, who is incentized to run unprotected centrals). If you do not like it, you could replace it with Rashida Jaheem.

I predict that Stargate will be continue to have a strong presence, once people get fed up of dying to Fujii Asset Retrieval..

I really enjoy using a shell game with Jinteki: Personal Evolution, which was the first corp deck I made back when I started playing Netrunner. Mitosis is a blessing for that style of game. I hope you enjoy it too.


9 Aug 2023 whaffles

Regenesis + Neurospike combo does not work since the Regenesis'd agenda was not scored but added to the score area. Firing Neurospike in this case only does 1 net damage.

9 Aug 2023 Diogene

@whaffles thanks for the correction, I've edited the write-up accordingly. Cheers!