No Click Tuesday

gravityab 21

Discourage or prevent access to remote servers as much as possible. Make running centrals very costly or suffer the consequences.

Scare them with Shi.Kyū and Shock! early on. Steal Clicks through Eli 1.0, Viktor 1.0, Ichi 1.0, Zed 1.0, Enigma, and False Lead. Should be annoying to access things with Nisei MK II counters, Unorthodox Predictions.

The Runner might even be forced to take some brain damage or lose programs on the way. Kick them while they are down with Chairman Hiro.

27 May 2014 Eijolend

I like the idea of combining RPs inherent Tax with even more manipulation of clicks, however there are some things you give up for that, and I'm not sure if that's worth it.

ICE: You miss out on Tsurugi and Komainu which are both loved by RP very much. I assume you plan to use Enigma, Ichi 1.0 and Viktor 1.0 (maybe Rototurret) as outer ICE on your centrals instead. That works fine for forcing the runner to spend at least 2 clicks if they only want to bounce off, although Viktor and Enigma have the Yog.0-problem, so not sure whether you have enough costly ICE to cover all centrals reliably. Maybe think about including one or two other nasty ICE.

Inazuma is incredibly good with Bioroids and can alternatively turn Viktor and Enigma back on vs. a Yog - good call including that! Chimera with Unorthodox Predictions - you just gotta like it!

Assets: Why Chairman Hiro? You have no cards to actively kill the runner, so I don't think it is worth the include just to scare the runner and make Shi.Kyū cheaper to fire. Sure, you can possibly protect him quite well in one of your remotes, but shouldn't you rather be using that to score agendas? Especially since you probably want one of your Sundews in a protected server as well.

Speaking of Shi.Kyū, Shock! comes to mind and do you really need 3 copies of both of those? One or the other should be plenty of archives protection. Do you plan to install them in remotes so Diversified Portfolio makes more money? That doesn't sound much better than clicking for a credit instead. I think Shi.Kyū works great with the Agenda composition you have, so maybe something like 2xShi.Kyu, 2x Shock! or 3xShi.Kyu, 1x Snare! could work similarly well while freeing up deck slots?

Have you thought about including Ash 2X3ZB9CY, Caprice Nisei or Red Herrings? They increase the click pressure even further!

Economy: Wow! I didn't seriously consider Dedicated Server before I saw this deck, but actually I can imagine it working really well with RPs ability to protect it from being trashed the moment it hits the table. Definitely like that!

I'm not sure if Diversified Portfolio is worth to include over something like PAD Campaign or Mental Health Clinic (although the latter would work against the Brain Damage idea you mentioned). Diversified Portfolio feels like a "win more" card to me in this deck - if the runner doesn't manage to trash your assets you're probably already generating crazy amounts of money, but if you are lacking money, chances are you also don't have a lots of remotes up at that point.

I really look forward to testing a variant of this myself :)

27 May 2014 gravityab

Thanks for the kind words and feedback :)

I don't usually play RP so I came in with no preconception of always including cards like Tsurugi or Komainu. I guess I should have done more current RP deck research ;)

As for Chairman Hiro, I actually wasn't thinking about utilizing him from a flatline perspective, just as a slow down what the Runner can do. I thought -max hand size plus brain damage might be fun which is why I put only 1 in the deck. You're right though, he doesn't feel like he's worth the cost or risk without Snare! in the deck at least.

I was debating adding some of those Upgrades to the deck just for Diversified Portfolio. But now that you've pointed out the amount of Shi.Kyū, Shock!, and the potential uselessness of Diversified Portfolio, I'll have think about this some more haha. I like the idea of replacing those things with increasing the pressure further.

27 May 2014 Cancer Ace

I also run a tax heavy RP deck, so I agree that Komainu and Tsurugi can give you huge benefits I would. Influence is tight in your deck, but personally I love Tollbooth to hit their credit pool no matter what their rig is like. I feel like Ruhr Valley would also fit very well with your deck, if you can find the space. You might want to try something like Hourglass, which is an odd choice in most decks, but if an opponent facechecks it suddenly their turn is over. Sticking it behind Inazuma would also be rather funny.