Piatto Tris con Dolce - 2nd & undefeated @ UK CoS 2024

koga 3281

A new wave of reg Hosh is here!

I lowkey hate Deep Dive. To prove a point of how stupid of a card it is I decided to slap it in every faction and make everyone else miserable with it. Going in for the trio dish and serving dessert at the end just works, what can I say?

leaked TAIB discord messages

After almost being burned at the stake by Aksu for putting DD into the purest of runner decks, in real ACC fashion, he ended up deciding I was probably actually cooking and slapped his seal of approval on it. I'm sure the presence of Turbine helped win him over.

Silent Arbiter played around with the archetype for a while after I showed him the first build, to which I ended up adding a second Katorga Breakout - you can use one on Archives, pitching Steel/Fund with Patchwork, get the access to flip and get back the card you pitched (or whatever else) just to keep setting up - and a Crew due to the suspected higher presence of Stavkas in Ob and not wanting to simply lose due to Mimic being Mimic. The added benefit of being able to kill early Tatu-Bolas and Border Controls was a cute boost and made it just a tad easier to slow the Corp down early on.

The highlight of the tournament happened in the last round against team "Cambridge NPE"'s R+, where I took an 8 clicks turn that involved checking a remote and clearing Behold! tags, while getting the dive off without the Corp popping False Lead.

Enjoy the deck and figure out how to get to 45 by cutting cards you'll miss, I won't be touching this pile of hot garbo for some time!

19 Nov 2024 Silent Arbiter

As I already told you testing it out a bit (around 40 games), the second Maemi is a bit unecessary, most of the time even with only one you'll ditch it to patchwork and, when installed, doesn't get the value you'll have in an Ashen hosh. Overall the list is just stupid garbage, no wonder it went undefeated in your hands.

19 Nov 2024 koga

Sounds like a you problem, I get quite a bit of value out of it during games. I often end up using some of that money to play the last 2 dives, which is nice and triggers happy chemicals in my brain

19 Nov 2024 Silent Arbiter

We both know the only right answer here is "Gnegnegne"

20 Nov 2024 aksu

deck kinda cooks fr fr. and yes the turbine does help it alot in my eyes :D

20 Nov 2024 Baa Ram Wu

You know you can just play monkey wrench for zero influence right!! ;)