No Server is Sacred v1.0

Ooshkii 85

This deck runs a clean list that revolves around the ability to put constant pressure on every server and winning before the corp has much time to set up.

With the identity of Silhouette: Stealth Operative, you eliminate the fog of war thrown up by the corp so that you can always know what you are stepping into. Desperado & Security Testing are there to make sure that you can consistently make these HQ runs at low to no cost, or to provide a strong economy based around constantly pressuring servers (thereby making ice on Archives important). Security Testing also helps you to avoid Jenteki ambush shenanigans when you don't want to have to deal with possible damage from an HQ run to trigger both of your HQ based abilities.

You are able to further pressure the corp by all of your events. Inside Job always forces the corp to have at least two rezzed ice guarding any server and is greatly strengthened by Silhoutte combining with Forged Activation Orders or Emergency Shutdown. Quest Completed forces the corp to ice up their central servers or risk losing any usefulness of the ice on their remotes. One of the most devious aspects of this deck is that it cranks Criminal to the max in that you will often run other servers than your target in order to walk through the ones that you want.

To support this run heavy build, the deck relies on a tuned mix between bursty based event economy (Easy Mark & Sure Gamble), a slower stable economy (Daily Casts & Kati Jones), and a "run the weakest server" economy (Desperado & Security Testing). Kati becomes increasingly important if the game runs long to allow for those end game, 3-4 consecutive ice servers, or to pre-prime a Quest Completed if you accidentally let a corp build up too much.

3 May 2015 CatTurtleKid

I highly recommend running at least two Desperadoes if not three. The extra MU is nice since it lets you install your full breaker sweet, but more importantly it is a crucial part of getting your run economy humming. Like wise I think John Masonori is good pick to further maximize your click efficiency with Security Testing/ Desperado. Since you play at least part of the run based econ package I think dirty laundry is worth running over the Easy Marks. The reason being that the synergy it has with the run econ far out weighs the slightly lowered reliability. With Desperado and security testing out a dirty laundry lets you click once and six credits while an Easy Mark will space out those six credits over two clicks.

I think going all in on the run econ works well because you already have back up plan in Kati Jones/Daily Casts. On that note I think it might be wise to cut two Kati's and one Mr. Li for two Hostages and a Tri-Maf Contact. The Tri-Maf allows you to gain steady drip econ along side the Kati Jones early. The Hostages essentially allow you to play three copies of each of your connections while simultaneously eliminating your likely hood of dead drawing the second Mr. Li or the second and third Kati Jones.

3 May 2015 CatTurtleKid

Also I think finding room to play a Stimhack could be a great use of your last influence. Since you play exclusively bendable, low strength breakers the surprise credits could be a great way of closing scoring windows for the opposing corp.

3 May 2015 Ooshkii

Thanks. I looked into things and I did make some changes. I traded the extra Li and Kati for 2 hostages and a Tri Maf. I am somewhat worried for what NBN could do to the deck however as having only 1 copy of Kati could ruin the ability to win. I also traded the easy marks for dirty laundry.

I really don't like adding any more Desparados as the economy doesn't expressly need it, and I can run full suite on 4 MU. Femme is just cake if they happen to run something heavy on an important server.

The Stimhack idea I liked since it fit quite well with the deck, and I also dropped a Running Interference one of to tie in the "run a server to run a server" theme.