No Server is Sacred v1.1

Ooshkii 85

Changes from 1.0

-3x Easy Mark -> 3x Dirty Laundry

-1x Legwork -> 1x Running Interference

-1x Legwork -> Stimhack

-2x Kati Jones -> 2x Hostage

-1x Mr. Li -> 1x Tri-maf Contact

Explanation: Easy Marks traded for Dirty Laundry due to increased click efficiency. This can also be used to chain into a Quest Completed. Traded out Legwork for Running Interference and Stimhack to keep in line with multi server pressure theme. Running, while expensive, also plays well with the rez based credit depletion theme.

Replaced Kati and Li extras with a Tri-Maf and two hostages to eliminate dead draws (which are killer in this deck). I am however worried both about the Tri-Maf and only having Kati for those times I am playing NBN. I may drop the Tri-Maf for another Kati and the second hostage for another copy of one of the events.

3 May 2015 Jashay

Your sentry breaker suite is very pricey to bring out; do you ever have issues in the early game with sudden Komainu? Or do you rely on the events (Inside Job, Forged Activation Orders, etc.) to carry you through until you can play the breakers?

3 May 2015 Ooshkii

The burst economy is strong enough to help build out a full suite every game (usually between turn 4-7 depending on draws). The events do help, and being able to combo the identity make it easy to run even without a full suite. If you are playing the deck right, you should know every piece of ice as it is being installed, and can thus plan accordingly. I know that Garrote has a high front cost, but it is important to have that 1:1 breaker ratio on the back end to ensure consistent runs. Either way, the economy in this deck is strong enough that you should always be able to play it either the turn you draw it or the turn after.