Stealth On Speed

Pinkwarrior 2351

So the ideas simple get a stealth rig out fast using Stimhack & SMC or PW preferably both using Box-E to help mitigate the Brain damage and get that MU up enough for Cloak's.

Clone Chip & Scavenge to reuse your dog or just get the programs you trashed with stimhack out.

As usually with Nasir deck slots are tight i feel i need to make room for at the least a Deus X id love to get Dirty Laundry in too as i find it an excellent card for Nasir. Id also like to add Femme Fatale as i can see alot of the stimhack creds been wasted without PW on the table.

However i have found i have spare influence with this build that i am struggling to find a use for and unusually i have room for multi access on HQ.

19 Dec 2014 esutter479

This looks really good, Pink. As far as adding Deus, only thing I can think of taking out would be a Lady. Dirty Laundry may be a pipe dream here, cuz as you said, deck slots are tight. Femme would round out your influence, but again, I see nothing you could remove for it, save maybe a Diesel, but then that would ruin your "speed" plan. :(

Lady for Femme, perhaps...?

19 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@esutter479 Thanks, i had been thinking that losing a dog is one of the only options really either that or dropping a lockpick but that could hinder me 2. I may try dropping both for a femme and a deus and see how it runs like that making my conclusions that way. I really don't think i can fit dirty in here, just wish i could.

19 Dec 2014 esutter479

That would probably be you best bet (-2 Lady for +1 Deus and +1 Femme) at the moment. I'm anxious to know how it works out for ya. :)

19 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

I'll let you know sadly it'll be a day or two yet before i get to even take it for a spin.

20 Dec 2014 Dydra

Great idea. What I'd do is to lower some program count (SMC) -1 Plascrete - 1 Clone chip (only real target for clone is Parasite assuming u don't get your rig blown up).

Most likely I'd try to avoid Kati (since she is counter-aggro) and get some more CARD DRAW ... 3x Diesel is minimum ... I'd most likely get 1-2 QT as well

you need SPEED to PUT STUFF ON PW and then to STIMHACK da F out :)

20 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

Clone Chip is also for the dog and for programs trashed with Stimhack from hand. but i think your right with more draw in here and dropping the odd clone chip could work. Thnaks for the advice i always like a fresh view.

22 Dec 2014 BTrain

Looks good. The only thing that stands out is whether you'll have enough stealth credits to power both Refractor and Switchblade. The Lockpicks and Ghost Runners will definitely help, but with Diesel being your only draw power it might be a while before you see all three Cloaks. Has that ever been a problem for you, or do you find it generally works itself out?

22 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@BTrain Can't say i've noticed any problems so far with stealth creds, i've only been able to get the odd game in though so maybe it's worked out through luck so far, i've found the parasite helps alot and if need be i can go looking for 1 of the cloak's with an smc. I wish i had more recurring creds in general though.

23 Dec 2014 CJFM

Neat build @Pinkwarrior. I echo @BTrain's concern as to whether you are going to have enough stealth cred. In an ideal world, you can only break one +0 str Sentry with Switchblade a turn, or 2 (with one at 0 str). That's not terribly exciting, which means you have to bring out your backup (Dagger) to really be effective. I've played a single-stealth-breaker version of Nasir and that was ok (I was using Dagger as backup to Mimic and Refractor as my only decoder), but with two breakers (and Dagger/Switchblade being so restrictive) I'm having trouble seeing it come together.

How do you facecheck before you get Dagger + 1 stealth or Switchblade + 2 stealth? Architect is going to hurt. And PE/RP becomes very, very difficult. I would swap Mimic + Femme for Switchblade and something else because they're just better, faster and can save your life. You'd still have Dagger for big ice. The influence and card need is also less restrictive.

2 Lady is probably enough, as well. 3 gets into "draw them when you already have them" territory, which isn't awful, but doesn't get you ahead.

You might consider Earthrise Hotel for the Diesels (or with the Diesels), too. I've heard good things about that card. All needs testing though.

23 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@CJFM I actually think of my sentry breakers the other way round dagger as my main with switchblade if i need it for big ICE, Dagger generally dose all the work tho. I usually face check without any programs with this deck less its Jinteki then am more wary.

Id not thought of mimic actually, i think that's a great call it'll give me 3 breakers that work without stealth giving me time to get the stealth creds rolling whilst reaming aggressive, i can probally dump alot of the stimhack idea then 2.

I'd not considered Earthrise Hotel but that's cos i thought it was shite it's only recently some pointed out id been reading it wrong :P, i had thought about trying out Angel Arena however for Nasir i figure he maybe able to make good use out of it after all Nasir dose go against the usual concept of whats good and whats not.

I think id like to keep 3 Cerberus "Lady" H1 in their for now just until am confident enough that am not going to run out of them i still want to be using the parasite alot.