Stealth On Speed 1.0

Pinkwarrior 2351

So the ideas simple get a stealth rig out fast using Stimhack & SMC or PW preferably both using Box-E to help mitigate the Brain damage and get that MU up enough for Cloak's.

Clone Chip & Scavenge to reuse your dog or just get the programs you trashed with stimhack out.

As usually with Nasir deck slots are tight i feel i need to make room for at the least a Deus X id love to get Dirty Laundry in too as i find it an excellent card for Nasir. Id also like to add Femme Fatale as i can see alot of the stimhack creds been wasted without PW on the table.

However i have found i have spare influence with this build that i am struggling to find a use for and unusually i have room for multi access on HQ.


So after alot of suggestions from folk i've had a rework dropped a Box-E and a Stimhack, i feel i don't need them so fast now with the new breakers.

I wanted more recurring creds so i put 2xCyberfeeder in dropped Scavenge entirely, it's only in for the dog really so seems like a drain on the deck slots.

Added Corroder in case i need a more permanent breaker. Swapped Switchblade for Mimic allowing the deck to run abit faster.

Added Deus X man did i miss not having that and Angel Arena mainly as experimentation for Nasir if it turns out he can make alot of use out of it i'll have to try more copies.

23 Dec 2014 CJFM

This version looks more manageable ,the breaker suite looks stronger.

Angel Arena is terrible. Just a heads-up, it doesn't draw you cards. You pay X to let you move cards from the top of the deck to the bottom. Nasir rarely has any cash off hand, so expecting to do this for more than 3 is pretty unreasonable. Honestly, try Earthrise Hotel. It has a nice smoothing effect to Nasir's gameplan.

I'm not sure who told you to drop a console, but that's now only 2 sources of MU in your deck (very low!) in a deck that wants to have about 6 or 7 MU consistently.

As for economy, you don't really have any to speak of. Workshop is economy and Runner is a versatile card that isn't real economy. That leaves stimhack.

Consider Armitage Codebusting (great in Nasir) and cut one lockpick (think about how many times you will ever need three lockpicks for your refractor, and how much stealth cred you've got floating around). Refractor is great because it can get through low-cost code gates without needing to be pumped, and most high strength code gates (excepting inazuma) are harmless.

23 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

@CJFM I usually find no problem finding a console with only 2 in the deck it's what am comfortable with, with the new breaker suite i shouldn't need a full 6 MU for awhile if at all. getting by on refactor, mimic and a barrier breaker i could even fit 1 cloak in the rig that's the way i see it anyway.

I know the econs low i am kinda relying on the recurring creds to keep me going through it all, if it doesn't work out i'll put Armitage Codebusting but i want to run it like this first and see how it go's.

I know Angel Arena dosn't actually draw you cards but it dose let you dig for stuff, i was figuring it could be good if i don't have Personal Workshop as i can dump my creds before a run that way and then use it to look for PW or anything else for that matter. You could be right on that though it's only a theory atm so if you've actually tryed it i will take your word for it.

26 Dec 2014 Pinkwarrior

So i've had some game with this build and it preformed well,

Tried the deck without Personal Workshop and it performed adequately, so if you don't see it it's not the end of the world but it dose make a huge difference. I did this because i believe that a single card should never be a must in a deck & that a deck should be able to perform without relying on finding a specific card every game.

I tried it without Box-E as well, the MU is manageable without it but can make getting the last breaker difficult.

Their is still room for improvement though Angel Arena was indeed of little use i got 5 tokens on it once and didn't really feel the need to use them. Stimhack is another card i could cut down on or even remove alot of time i found it just clogging my hand up with little use for it.

The Econ actually seems fine even though theirs not much in it since the odd click for a cred and cheap recurring creds is enough and Order of Sol is great econ for this deck even without PW.

All in all however i think I'll be abandoning this deck and using bits of what works in my old Nas-man deck that i prefer.