Face Puncher

locusshifter 1674

I think this is my favorite version of Leela so far. Back when Tenma was released in H&P I used this breaker suite as it was fast and with the same multi-angled attack, you're not always concerned about attacking the same server. Leela enjoys the early boost with the goal of grabbing an agenda early with Logos in play to start the shenanigans; I would rather not wait until they score an agenda.

I'm sure someone will inevitably say "what about Swordsman?". Sure, it might pop up, but it's still not super common, and even then, it's just a splash which they will likely drop in front of their scoring remote. Even if they put it in front of R&D I'm not sure it's a huge help as I can still get by it a couple times in a row for an Index.

The only card I'm not sure about is Keyhole. I like that card against Jinteki, but otherwise it's not always great, and for all the work you do one Jackson and foil it. Perhaps a Hades Shard? If I did I guess I'd go 1 less Bank Job.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome, and thanks for popping in.