Thump and Bash

locusshifter 1674

This is my current versions of Leela. To date I'm 5-0. The minor change here is swapping out Unscheduled Maintenance in favor of Express Delivery.

UM sounds like a good idea on the surface but honestly it's not something I feel I should mulligan for vs other things in the deck, so then it becomes unpredictable and often useless. What's worse is that you often want to see someone score an agenda and the (likely) 1 ice you stopped the corp from playing won't be worthwhile. The nail in the coffin was when I realized that turn one the corp can drop 3 ice (which happened) and UM was a waste.

In place of UM comes Express Delivery, simply for more card draw, though it does have the secondary benefit of giving you a shuffle after multiple uses of Mr. Li. Digging for key pieces, or even just the first Overmind is a thing in this deck. You can afford to be patient but I'd rather use a logos pull for a 1-of if I can.

Some choices:

  • Keyhole: I only have it in there for Jinteki or decks with Snare etc. Sure, it can be good in other situations, but I have other tools I push first otherwise.

  • Sneakdoor: Also not a primary card. I like leaving it as a surprise for late game HQ attacks.

  • Inside Job: After trying Feint I came to the conclusion that IJ is just superior all around. Early game you pass single ice, or at least one of two. Late game you bypass that 1st of 4 to save the cash. Feint is only good for triggering Shutdown, which is not good enough. Every access has to count.

  • Overmind & Grappling Hook: So, I'm sure anyone who looks at this list will be skeptical that this can work. When H&P came out I proved the concept using Tenma (look at my 10 Stone Clone deck). Speed and versatility is the key. Of course, you'll be picking your spots more late game, but the Chips to bring back a Hook or OM comboed with Inside Job can result in a crazy run. My last game was just that, using Indexing followed by that combo, the second run saw the server 4 ice deep after letting Architect resolve. it was a 15 credit run, so like I said, timing is key.

-Crescentus: It's the only card I'm thinking of dropping. I've only used it a couple of times, it uses precious MU, and I'm not going to recur it.

I've played against Jinteki, HB Glacier, NBN FA and Nuke, and Blue Sun. So far no play style is unbeatable for me.

Thanks for reading and I welcome any comments.

9 Dec 2014 hi_impact

Completely agree with you about the Unscheduled Maintenance. It would be cool if it had the text "May play this card from your grip at the beginning of the game.", coming out immediately if you got it starting or mulligan for it.

Eater + destruction might be the best home for the current, but it's so eh you might as well just run Crescentus.

9 Dec 2014 locusshifter

Indeed, and I've used Crescentus, so it works. I've just got a feeling at some point it's a slot I'll fill with something else.

10 Dec 2014 Oisin

I'm guessing you don't play the same people over and over? Because a couple Swordsman would really ruin your day.

10 Dec 2014 locusshifter

Well it would have to be a couple of really well placed Swordsmen, and I welcome someone to put two in my deck. :) Honestly, plenty of people I know splash one, and even when I see it Hook + E3 + patience and smart runs win the day.

It's always inevitable that someone will try and tout swordie. It's fine, but still doesn't stop me.

10 Dec 2014 locusshifter

Their deck that is...sheesh, should have read that a bit more carefully.