[Startup] Ampere NA/FA nonsense

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LGetlander 58

So this deck is the latest version of my long line of pet decks trying to make this ID work. And considering it came 3rd in a local Startup circuit opener, winning all 3 games, it clearly maybe has something going for it.

(Game 1 was vs a Rielle “Kit” Peddler: Transhuman that failed to draw their Unity, which allowed this deck to NA out a 3 2 pointers before they could safely run. Game 2 was vs a Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy I kept poor with a Pharos on R&D and taxing runs and a well timed Oppo Research. Game 3 was vs a René “Loup” Arcemont: Party Animal that was overall pretty close, up until they took a risky run and ended the game early by running into the 1/6 HQ Snare!. So whilst all had elements of luck, the deck at least did things that won games.)

The broad strokes of the deck are to try and take advantage of all 4 corp factions strengths (HB click compression and strong ice; Weyland tag punish and strong ice; NBN tagging + the recent TAI deck manipulation and Jinteki weird nonsense + traps ), forcing the runner to have to anticipate and accommodate a variety of ice and facedown cards. That along with being able to run all 4 system gateway "limit 1 per deck" 3/2 agendas gives the deck less of a downside to being singleton.

But how the hell to pilot this thing? Well, you're normally going for 3 main win conditions

1: NA score out the 3/2s behind some ice and maybe an upgrade, potentially closing out with a final agenda FA'd (probably with the Biotic Labor).

2: Kill with End of the Line from any of the tagging cards. Even if you never actually draw the kill card, the mere threat of it makes the tags an actual tax for the runner, and can create forks with the tagging operations.

3: Grind out the runner/destroy their win conditions, with rigshooting, damage traps and sometimes a non-flatline eotl. Or tax them so much as to kill multiple of their turns. This often just makes one of the previous win cons easier rather than winning on its own however, but is still powerful.

Some key points:

Money is critical, and the econ cards are the best cards in the deck. If you can recur them and agendas don't need to be fixed, recur the money. Regolith Mining License and Vovô Ozetti are some of the best as well, lots of money in single cards. Only other cards worth recurring are the other recurring cards/hand fixers or the End of the Line/Snare!. (Ablative Barrier on archives can also be sneaky and act as a second Spin Doctor if it got trashed)

The 3 main damage traps in Fujii Asset Retrieval , Snare! and Angelique Garza Correa can stack in HQ or a remote, which early is often too much damage at once. Also just the threat of Snare! forces the runner to run with fuller hands, which can be nasty with Phoneutria. Which also synergies with the eotl gameplan.

The 5/3s are for agenda compression not scoring, but with the Seamless Launch and the traps stacked with Fujii Asset Retrieval you can sometimes go for it if you have no 3/2s. Otherwise seamless is best saved for the project agendas to get the agenda counters, although better to use it on a random 3/2 than not at all.

The NBN deck manipulation assets are great, and if left alone can win the game almost by themselves, as they improve the quality of your draws to a massive degree, and at worse tax the runner the trash costs and potentially turns Oppo Research online. Install them early to tax the runner, and late they can be used to try and dig for the winning cards.

Big Oppo Research (paying 7 credits for 4 tags) is almost always a trap as its often too expensive. Baby oppo often does the fork just as well, is much more efficient (costing you a card, a click and 2 credits to tax the runner 4 credits and 2 clicks).

You only want the econ assets and agendas in the main remote, all other assets go in random other servers, maybe the Daily Business Show gets a gearcheck ice. Snare! and Behold! stay in hand/deck almost always. Nightmare Archives is either the first discard or an easy installed trash target for the Extract and Stavka when you draw them together.

The upgrades should almost all go in the scoring remote, apart from Angelique Garza Correa which wants to be wherever the other trap cards are. (Or the random NBN assets to dissuade running them icelessly). Vovo should always be on the server with the most unrezzed ice generally, but also where he's safe-ish to enable him to get big discounts when the runner actually goes for your remote.

The ice is often a case of install what you have when you have it, but if possible have the inner or solo ice be an etr.

Unless you are pretty sure they have a key 1 of card in hand and they are a deck with limited recursion, try and hold off on non-flatlines with the End of the Line. The threat of it to force them to clear their tags and/or keep a hand above 3 cards is valuable in its own right. (Also a combo to keep an eye on is Tomorrowʼs Headline scored out either slow or with a Seamless Launch to get the kill as a worse Drago Ivanov)

Moon Pool is a decent FA tool, but is somewhat risky. Its generally here as a second, much worse Spin Doctor to help fix agendas, along with Sprint and Simulation Reset.