Looking for Feedback: NEXT Design

Dedbelly 1

I feel like this deck is a mess and I'm looking for feedback. Right now I'm super new to the game, and with the help of some folks on this site I've got a pretty good runner deck, but I suck at building corp. I'm restricted to the Core Set, Creation and Control, Cyber Exodus, and Upstalk. Anyways...

I guess my idea here is to keep pressure on the runner using the looming threat of brain damage and net damage from Cerebral Overwriter, Project Junebug, and Edge of World. The number of cards that can be advanced but are not agendas and the inclusion of Howler is supposed to further confuse the runner, and make it more difficult to predict what is in any given remote. If the runner treads too lightly, however, I can quickly score some domestic sleepers to finish off a game.

Like I said I have a lot of fun playing corp, but for some reason I can't build corp decks to save my life. I feel like this deck is way too light on ICE, but I'm not sure which assets to scrap right now. Please explain to me how I'm doing it wrong.

20 Feb 2015 slobad31

A couple quick things first. Most Corp decks run 49 cards, rather than the minimum 45. This not only allows you to squeeze in a few more valuable cards, but it also dilutes your agenda density, lessening the chance a runner will score. As for the deck itself, it's definitely light on ICE for this ID. With NEXT Design: Guarding the Net, it only triggers once per game, and you want to maximize its impact. Ideally, you want to get three free pieces of ICE out, effectively saving yourself three clicks. This will also help you have a more impactful Edge of World, giving you the ICE to make thicker servers.

You'll also want more stable economy. Triple Hedge Fund is a must for almost every Corp deck. You might also want to consider running Bioroid Efficiency Research, as it will make it much easier to rez your bigger ICE. Just be careful that the runner doesn't just click through the smaller bioroids in that case, forcing you to derez them.

Another random thought: Mother Goddess might be another consideration, since it would become a bioroid as long as you have another one rezzed, and it can't be clicked through. As for what to remove to make space, you definitely don't need triple Domestic Sleepers. It's good to get that last point you need, but at 3, it'll probably be cloggy. You could also cut a Shipment from Kaguya, since 3 also seems to be a bit much there.

NEXT Design: Guarding the Net was the first Corp ID I used when C&C first released, so I have a soft spot for it. Once you get a hold of more data packs, your options will be much broader, but this should give you a feel for the deck. Best of luck to you!