Looking for Feedback: NEXT Design v2

Dedbelly 1

I feel like this deck is a mess and I'm looking for feedback. Right now I'm super new to the game, and with the help of some folks on this site I've got a pretty good runner deck, but I suck at building corp. I'm restricted to the Core Set, Creation and Control, Cyber Exodus, and Upstalk. Anyways...

I guess my idea here is to keep pressure on the runner using the looming threat of brain damage and net damage from Cerebral Overwriter, Project Junebug, and Edge of World.

Like I said I have a lot of fun playing corp, but for some reason I can't build corp decks to save my life. I feel like this deck is way too light on ICE, but I'm not sure which assets to scrap right now. Please explain to me how I'm doing it wrong.

23 Feb 2015 king_mob

Most glacier builds have between 18-21 pieces of ICE, so this deck is not light on ICE by a long shot. What you are lacking is economy. 3x hedge fund and 2x adonis is too thin. You need more money not just to pay for everything, but to see the econ cards in your hand every turn.

You have gotten some good synergy together between the cards but not the deck as whole, does that make sense?

So basic ideas for building glacier decks - flood yourself with cheap ICE and econ, and build around that. Archetypes will always have a primary "focus" and in glacier its about protecting your centrals and setting up a heavyweight scoring server.

It helps to think about it in tiers - your upper tier cards are cards that win you a game, and this is normally always your agendas, your econ and some ice to protect both. Below this is the secondary tier of cards that are meant to support the first tier (other ice such as tollbooth that is too expensive for tier 1 but really good/taxing, and traps like edge of world and agg sec).

With the cards you have i would set it up like this: netrunnerdb.com

23 Feb 2015 king_mob

Hilariously as soon as i posted that list, i almost immediately thought 3x PAD should be 2x melange mining corp instead, and 1x biotic labor: netrunnerdb.com

Melange is a better call in glacier as you will spend time setting up a heavy impenetrable remote, stick melange in it, build up some cash to rez all the ICE protecting it, then when the runner is locked out you have some turns to score. Using PAD's meant you would have probably had to waste ICE protecting them. Biotic can help with scoring any stage of the game.