Mercury in Aries - 3rd @ Atien30

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Mercury in Aries communicators make quick decisions–so quick that you might think they don’t much like thinking things over. The truth is, Aries communicators don’t have a lot of patience for mulling. Their decisions are often driven by the need for instant gratification.

Mercury in Aries men and women are generally quick and to the point in their communications. They are direct and candid, and some may even think their style is crude at times. At times, they can come across as downright aggressive, but that usually happens when they encounter opposition to their opinions and ideas. It is generally a result of frustration, because Mercury in Aries almost childishly assumes that others will accept their opinions smoothly. There is a sensitivity and defensiveness to Aries, and when Mercury is placed in the sign, natives tend to be quite personally attached to their ideas.

These people have a tendency towards streamlined learning. They prefer not to get bogged down in details, and are adept at dismissing what they feel are irrelevant details.

There’s a certain innocent charm to Aries communicators. Many will appreciate this sign’s utilitarian approach. You can pretty much count on them being straight with you, even if their Sun Sign is the more indirect Pisces.

This Mercury position favors starting new things. Aries is not attached to outdated ideas, and generally adopts an enthusiastic style. Criticism or negative feedback can be taken personally. Still, they are not afraid of a fight or a challenge, on a mental level. They have a visionary intelligence that is sometimes on the idealistic side.

New projects and ideas are taken on with an unmatched enthusiasm with this position of Mercury. However, because there is no shortage of new ideas in life, Mercury in Aries natives can be quick to dump one mental pursuit, way of thinking, or opinion for something fresher and more exciting.

Mercury in Aries people are often excellent at promoting their new ideas. When they’re excited about something, their style of communication can be so motivating and fun, the enthusiasm is downright infectious. Aries is a leader, quick to adopt absolutely new and innovative methods–they get a rise out of leading too!

If the Sun Sign is in Pisces or Taurus, these people can sometimes wonder why others get frustrated with them. The truth is, they may come across as more brusque and impatient than they actually are. Mercury in Aries natives make quick decisions, and they don’t always understand it when others hedge issues or stay “on the fence.”

11 Sep 2023 sunny_d

Love seeing the Logic Bomb, Adam's true legacy

12 Sep 2023 koga

@sunny_d you have to thank Bridgeman for that :P

17 Sep 2023 Bridgeman

Love to see the archetype around, so much fun :D Good showing dawg!