Payoff v1.0

paddosan 3408

Another experimental list with one of the new identities from Order and Chaos.

Lukas said in a recent interview that he would be "surprised if a Bad Publicity Anarch deck didn’t do incredibly well at next year’s GenCon". I kinda agree, Blackmail is a very strong card and the only problem with it was how to give the bad pub.

Now that Valencia Estevez will have any corp start with one, that problem is solved.

About this deck:

  • Generally speaking, take a mulligan if you don't have an Investigative Journalism. That's the key card. You can install it only if the corp has at least 1 BP, but you can use it to give them another one even if they cleaned themselves. So keep one ready, just in case.
  • Never run on R&D normally, always use Blackmail. You don't wanna face any ice there, and just go when you have a few R&D Interfaces installed to maximize the effect.
  • Wanton Destruction and Itinerant Protesters kinda work one against the other, in my opinion, so I'm not sure it's worth using both. WD is enormously strong, however, especially in early game. So, if I had to chose, I'd go for that one and remove the current or switch it with another one.
  • I decided to try Tallie Perrault, which could be awesome to draw some extra cards with no clicks involved, provided you give the corp enough BPs.
  • Since there isn't really the need to add more programs, Data Folding could be a very good option to keep the economy running.
  • Lots of draw is required when you have 50 cards, and Diesel / Steelskin should provide enough. Tallie might help, but just in case I went for 3 copies of both Crypsis and Eater.

That's pretty much it. It will need a lot of testing, but unless corps start using some BP-removal in their decks, Blackmail recursion is gonna be very strong.

4 Dec 2014 Freeman 1.0

kayhole instead of R&D would'nt be better? using it with eater, and I would prove to include notoriety and quest completed that are great with eater too.

4 Dec 2014 paddosan

Keyhole would unfortunately mean I can't use Data Folding as a constant form of income, though.

And it would require many more runs than those I plan on doing with this kind of approach. The same goes for Notoriety and Quest Completed, albeit the latter could definitely be very useful.

The idea here is to run frequently only on HQ when it is a good time to use Wanton Destruction, and hit R&D only when the setup is good and you can access at least 3 cards.

Blackmail can give you free access to a remote server, and even if they have Ash 2X3ZB9CY or Caprice Nisei you could use it again or recycle one with Same Old Thing.

Of course it's all theory, but even with a different identity, the blackmail-recursion decks I tried previously were working quite well.