Payoff v1.1

paddosan 3408

Another experimental list with one of the new identities from Order and Chaos.

Lukas said in a recent interview that he would be "surprised if a Bad Publicity Anarch deck didn’t do incredibly well at next year’s GenCon". I kinda agree, Blackmail is a very strong card and the only problem with it was how to give the bad pub.

Now that Valencia Estevez will have any corp start with one, that problem is solved.

Considerations after the initial testing:

  • Investigative Journalism is a key card, because the corp needs to have at least 1 bad publicity. Installing it on the first turn is a sort of warranty that Blackmail will work, when you need it. So far, the only counter to that would be Broadcast Square that can actively prevent a bad publicity, but it's hardly used and still works with a trace anyway.

  • I went from Eater and Crypsis to Crypsis and D4v1d. This is to allow for more runs and in general to be more active. Darwin is another option, but it would work better with e3 Feedback Implants, which would be good for D4v1d as well.

  • R&D Interface allows to use Blackmail so that no ice gets rezzed on R&D, while accessing a maximum of 4 cards. Both also work even if there is Crisium Grid installed, which will probably be more popular once Wanton Destruction gets out.

  • Itinerant Protesters is a monster, if you manage to pile BP upon BP on the corp. Not much they can do if they are forced to play with a maximum hand size of 1 or 0 cards. Frankly speaking it might actually be too powerful. Anyway, keep in mind that they won't be forced to discard until the end of their turn, so maybe hitting them right after with a Wanton Destruction will reduce their chances to play their own current to remove yours.

  • Tallie Perrault, rather than being another way to pile BP on the corp, is to be seen here as an awesome draw engine. Drawing cards with no clicks involved is definitely a luxury and it can drastically increase the speed of a 50 cards deck.

  • Frame Job is one card I never ever saw played. Now it might actually become an interesting option. Just forfeit a 1 pointer to give them another bad publicity, it fuels Itinerant Protesters and Tallie Perrault, after all. Plus, you can feed any Shi.Kyū you might get to it.

Not much else to say, I still would love to find some space for at least a couple Déjà Vu. If Tallie Perrault keeps working as extra draw, I might go up to 52 cards to include them. We'll see.

8 Dec 2014 Two_EG

Tallie for draw engine... that's cool I think. But 2 clicks to install makes me sad :(

8 Dec 2014 paddosan

Wait, @Two_EG what do you mean with 2 clicks to install? Did you mean 2 credits?

In the last game Tallie Perrault allowed me to draw 8 cards in the whole game, not bad for a paid ability. Well worth 2 credits to install, in my opinion.

Anyway I'll do some more games and maybe add some playtesting report in the next version of this deck. I'm currently deciding if Wanton Destruction is even needed at all... [Itinerant Protesters],(/en/card/07033) with 3 or more bad pubs, is probably already enough.

8 Dec 2014 Bananifier

Apart from Broadcast Square, Witness Tampering can also hurt you quite a lot. Considering that Weyland will get a boost from the big box, I'm pretty sure you'll see that card as a one-of in many decks. I can't believe I'm saying this, but your Frame Job might actually be useful!

8 Dec 2014 paddosan

@Bananifier haha, yeah, I couldn't believe it either at first... but maybe it's time for Frame Job to shine! (or just be moderately useful, still a huge improvement)

The thing about Witness Tampering is that it's also a Gray Ops card, so it exposes the Corp to some more bad publicity from Tallie Perrault. I can also trash Tallie immediately after giving them an extra bad pub as to prevent them from killing me, if I have few cards in my grip.

Besides, given how it's also a Double, they can't do much damage anyway with their last click, even if you get that tag.

8 Dec 2014 JamesG

Have you considered Amped Up? It will help you mitigiate the click-cost of investigative journalism and day job and you can put some nice combo with wanton destruction as well. I would drop Frame Job and maye 1 copy of Blackmail.

Besides that, really nice deck

8 Dec 2014 paddosan

Thanks @JamesG. Investigative Journalism can indeed be a pain to use, since it consumes your entire turn, and having some extra clicks could be nice. I'm kinda worried about the brain damage, but I guess it's not much of an issue for this deck, so it could be worth the deal.

I wouldn't remove a copy of Blackmail, though. In a game I couldn't find even a single one for a very long time... and ultimately lost due to that. Even with all the draw I did, no Blackmail meant I was basically screwed... so 3 copies are definitely needed.

8 Dec 2014 Two_EG

@paddosan Ah, right. 2creds. How stupid... Anyway, your biggest problem will be Blue Sun using Elizabeth Mills.

8 Dec 2014 Diegofsv

Itinerant Protesters and Vigil just need to be together. Pretty Sure that Vigil may be a better drawn engine than Tallie Perrault

8 Dec 2014 paddosan

@Two_EG: Elizabeth Mills can be a problem, but I can still run and trash it, even if it might take me a Blackmail it would still be worth it in the end. Drive By (SanSan Cycle, spoiled in the System Crash draft set) could be a good option to deal with it, dunno what's it influence cost, though!

@Diegofsv: that's a card I definitely need to try! But I'll remove something else (maybe Wanton Destruction), rather than Tallie Perrault. I need all the draw I can get, especially the one that doesn't involve clicks.

8 Dec 2014 Diegofsv

Elizabeth Mills first turn is a REALLY bad thing here. But I can't see this happening a lot.

9 Dec 2014 paddosan

Bullseye, @Diegofsv: any first turn removal of the initial bad publicity is a major problem for this deck!

Can't see that happening a lot either, at least at the moment, but corps are bound to start using some form of protection from bad publicity, so it might become a real issue.

The only solution would be to steal an agenda asap and then rely on Frame Job, but I can't see this happening much either. It might also be worth trying a version with a better rig to allow for more running.

23 Jan 2015 aero

This idea rules. Personally, my only change would be +2 Vigil & +1 Mimic (deal with Swordsman, extra card draw, still able to use Data Folding), and -1 Data Folding, -1 Frame Job, & -1 Tallie Perrault.

29 Jan 2015 paddosan

I've done some more playtesting, but had little time to focus on this deck recently and so I didn't post the latest version yet.

That being said, I did try Vigil, but it performed terribly in all games played (i.e. very few cards drawn in the whole games) so it was removed. Mimic on the other hand was added precisely to counter Swordsman.

One option I'm going to try is Overmind + D4v1d, with the first being powered by multiple MemStrips. I know Eater would be good, but I prefer being able to access, even if I'm not so sure anymore about R&D Interfaces.

Diesel and I've Had Worse don't provide all the draw needed to speed a 50 cards deck up, so I'm planning to use Inject or Earthrise Hotel... possibly both.

Frame Job is fantastic in this deck, and Tallie Perrault can really be a good draw engine too. But removing one Tallie Perrault might be fine, we'll see.