PE: Never Advance Flatline

Chimpster 484

Work in progress concept, feeling like the economy could do with a little work, even if the ICE is pretty cheap as it stands.

Basic concept is that you can threaten an agenda win against those hesitant on hitting your remotes while also punishing those who do with psychic fields and snares. You have to initially play this as a rush deck in the early game in order to force a potential Flatline win later, getting upto 5 points scored means that you can start dropping traps. EMP and scorched suddenly become huge threats and allow scoring windows to close out the game. R&D protection is important with the prevalence of indexing and keyhole, either card will lose you the game if r&d isn't locked down. Don't underestimate the power of a singleton scorched in a deck like this, it will win games guaranteed.

ICE mixup still needs a little work though the basic power of clone retirement & archer is obvious as well as Komainu & House of Knives. Still not sure if elis are the right call for the deck though I've got to spend the influence somewhere!

Still needs some testing, feedback welcome!