Wind Mill 1.1

kjncl 68

Version 2 of this deck. I swapped aesop out for chop bot allowing me to bring in another clone chip and experiment with some splash-able viruses. Deep Thought was my choice here, while it never got to trigger because once I got it out I was in full Mill mode, it was nice to play it.

Chop bot with the pancake combo makes for an insane draw engine. I'm not running much (if at all) so I don't need the cash that aesop supplies. Having chop-bot out to turn my cache's into cards is amazing. Drawing 3 and having 4 clicks allows for some of the fastest rig building I've ever seen.

I had an ideal opening last night and had a favorable match-up and managed to get my first Mill victory.

Future Changes: -Add a 3rd wyldeside, I've been lucky enough to get them in my opening of late, but that luck should and will run dry 3 will make it consistant enough. -Deep Thought? I'm not sure it's needed. It just feels wrong to leave so much influence on the table, but everything this strategy needs is red, so it's probably ok.

8 Jul 2015 Sabin76

At the risk of basically being a carbon copy of the most popular deck on netrunnerdb, I would try to fit some Chakanas in there. Seeing as your goal is to mill if possible, or, at the very least, run as little as possible, you need to make sure the corp doesn't simply keep you out of archives/remotes (Hades is great, but very inconsistent) and score out while you sit there milling him/her.

You might also think about switching some economy for some Folding@home, seeing as your daemons leave with with so much free MU, but that's a preference call.

8 Jul 2015 kjncl

@Sabin76 I love the idea of Data folding, the clickless econ to go along with my clickless card draw. Frankly I could probably pull both sure gambles and daily casts for data folding.