Silhouette see your stuffs!

Deepthought42 9

Hi all! This my first adventure into the horribly addictive world of deck building. Will be testing it out for real soon so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Short on cards, only have the packs used in this deck.

28 Jan 2016 Mechanoise

And what an adventure you've embarked on! Welcome :)

This is just an initial scan over your deck, as I'm sure plenty will offer their accounts and support with more detail, but here are my first impressions:

Not a bad setup with limited cards, but one of your painful areas is your breakers - they are just not efficient enough to be aggressive. Over time you will be worn down trying to pay for everything, especially since you've forgone the Sure Gambles. You will not be able to rely on Account Siphon alone to get your money.

Start with your breakers. Gingerbread isn't going to do a great deal for you if you don't encounter tracers. Consider removing Notoriety and Modded to give yourself at least one Corroder and one Gordian Blade or ZU.13 Key Master to replace Aurora and Peacock. You can supplement a second fracter/decoder with a copy of Breach and Passport.

Lemuria Codecracker is a nifty tool that will not get used because it's too fiddly and tempo draining. I never want to discourage anyone from trying it, but I'll imagine you'll be ditching it, especially since Silhouette: Stealth Operative has natural exposing methods anyway. And while we're on the subject of your ID, where is Sneakdoor Beta?! A surprise drop of that program can make all the difference.

Summary - You're going OTT with Exposure cards. If you are intent on Exposing ICE why not use Forged Activation Orders to trash ICE too expensive to rez? Don't be a poor Criminal, Kati Jones will get you money after a few turns, until then you need to supplement income, possibly additional Bank Jobs. Change your breaker suite to be more efficient, and add a second copy of your console. Hope that helps :) don't be afraid to experiment, and good luck!

28 Jan 2016 staglore

Just my two cents...

Considering that you only have: the core set, humanity's shadow, trace amounts, what lies ahead, and H&P, you're certainly limited on choices. In regard to your choice of programs, Datasucker and Ninja those are solid choices. However, Gingerbread isn't necessary considering that most tracers have the sentry subtype, and Peacock and Aurora are expensive to use. If you dropped those three breakers and 2X Modded from the deck it would make room +1 ZU.13 Key Master and +1 Corroder. These breakers are far more efficient. This also makes room for another Special Order.

As for hardware, Lemuria Codecracker is, imho, not that great. Those card slots could be used for additional HQ Interfaces. While Logos is a good console, I think that you'll get more mileage out of Desperado. A Plascrete Carapace is better than Crash Space for Scorched Earth protection.

As for resources and events, the event cards that expose are really superfluous. Silhouette gives you that already. I believe these card slots would be better spent on econ cards like Sure Gamble and/or Security Testing(<--- card goes great with Desperado!) Diesel is a good choice, but Quality Time will save influence and let you draw 2 more cards than Diesel. This could free you up for another Notoriety and maybe a Déjà Vu to give this deck some much needed recursion.

28 Jan 2016 Deepthought42

Hi cheers for the tips. Would dropping Lemuria Codecracker in favour of e3 Feedback Implants help with the pricey breakers or is it a bit to risky? Good point about Sneakdoor Beta think I'll have to slot that in.

28 Jan 2016 Deepthought42

I am new so am probably wrong but is Easy Mark not more efficient than sure gamble given that you need no cress to play easy mark? Though one less credit gained. though. Also kinda the reason I picked Diesel over Quality Time, the zero play cost seems (to a noob anyway) to be more beneficial as I don't have masses of burst economy?

28 Jan 2016 staglore

I don't think e3 would be the best choice. For example, if you have Peacock and e3 and you ran into a Quandary, it will still cost 2. And even if you run into an Yagura, it would cost you 3. With ZU.13 Key Master it would cost you 1 and 2 respectively to break. So, you're losing money with install cost. (5 to install e3 and Peacock combo) when ZU.13 Key Master only costs 1 to install. And in most cases your saving money when running.

28 Jan 2016 staglore

You can have both Sure Gamble and Easy Mark. Both are great cards.

Diesel vs. Quality Time is kinda of a toss up. It's really more of a question of saving or influence.

28 Jan 2016 Deepthought42

Ahhh thanks @staglore I wasn't thinking of it like that. It was a toss up between gamble and mark as to what to have to fit other things in although I'll probably drop Infiltration for Sure Gamble.

28 Jan 2016 GrantZilla1979

Aurora will make you go broke in a huge hurry. If you have those packs - you have the central server breakers - Alias, Breach, and Passport. This is a deck type that wants to hit centrals a lot.

I think everyone plays a lot of expose effects when they're learning early on, and that's fine. As you become more and more proficient in piloting, you'll lean on them less, especially when your ID has one built right in.

But if you didn't want to just hit centrals? Well. As others have suggested, Gordian Blade and Corroder will get you past just about anything code gate/barrier related, so that leaves sentries. Ninja is an option, though inefficient without Silencers out. Faerie would be ideal for early aggression, but you don't have any recursion to speak of...and with MWL you can't afford it. And that's fine.

A lot of times with Criminal decks you have to commit to hitting hard and fast and never letting pressure up at all - and with your 40 card hand size you are going to be building for efficiency, not all possible contingencies. That may mean running 3x Faerie knowing you'll never see them again when they get trashed.

Just remember, after the game is over it doesn't matter how good your rig was. Don't build one that will take on all servers to the end of time like a Shaper - build one that will hammer, and disrupt, and never let up RIGHT NOW.

Also - you really need Inside Job and Forged Activation Orders. Complements perfectly with your ID to get you into remotes if you go with central-only breakers.

29 Jan 2016 Deepthought42

Thanks for all the tips guys. I sat for far to long in front of loads of cards last night and remade my deck taking on board everything said.......... Do I have to republish it in a different thread? Would love you input again :)

29 Jan 2016 Deepthought42

Reposted it anyway as I changed it a lot. Thanks you, let me know what I've done wrong on that deck