[SUNSET] Androgynous Hottie Goes 3-1 Without Femme Fatale

harmonbee 809

This is the deck I took to the February Sunset AMT, and went 3-1 (and the loss was close). I was really happy with this result - the deck felt like a dream to play, and I was making good calls throughout the tournament with this deck. Unfortunately, it was pulled down by my Pravdivost deck.

Let's talk about the deck.

This is technically the third in the series (first entry, second) of my Androgynous Hottie Mercury decks, which is again not very related to the previous entries in the series.

Like the second entry, our game plan is The Twinning with Prepaid VoicePAD for charging it. We also have a single Cezve for charging it in a pinch. Finally, we have a pair of S-Dobrado for getting into a central in the late game - we can use this to get a last-minute four-deep dig on R&D (two additional from Twinning, one additional from your ID), hopefully stealing you the win. Eru Ayase-Pessoa can also do this.

The big change from previous entries in the series is having actual breakers, because those previous decks had issues with corps double-icing remotes. We're generally taking play notes from Theory of Mercury - this deck is not trying to make every access without breaking subroutines, but can make some very strong early accesses if the Corp decides to not ice centrals or make themselves poor.

So the general order of things is: get some early accesses by being an aggro Criminal, build up and maybe go into the remote a few times with breakers, and then S-Dobrado your way into a central in the late game for a bunch of accesses.

How'd the games go?

They went well!

Round 1 vs awildturtok (loss vs Punitive RH) - This was a close game. I stole an early Bacterial Programming and followed up with The Class Act to draw up to 9 cards, preventing the kill unless he found another three points to give me and two Punitive Counterstrike. I Falsified Credentials to find a Regenesis in the remote, Inside Job'd to steal it and then... forgot to check Archives. Two turns later, another Regenesis is scored, scoring the agenda still sitting in Archives. On the second last turn, I install a Liberated Account going down to 4c, which he uses as a scoring window to rush out the remaining agenda. I should have installed The Class Act then and tanked the damage to steal the agenda. The rest of my plays were good, but those crucial blunders lost me a game that I started in a very good position.

Round 2 vs krysdreavus (win vs rush Ob) - This game was streamed, and it went incredibly down to the wire. I can't remember all the details because, to quote myself, "I need a lie down after that game". Watch it on stream at 1:46:10.

Round 3 vs Stwyde (win vs AoT) - I grab an early Ikawah Project and Stegodon MK IV, set up for a deep dig on R&D and steal a Send a Message later.

Round 4 vs Scarius (win vs GameNet) - I find a Degree Mill in HQ early which I can't steal, then find it in a remote later with Falsified Credentials and Inside Job. I find a second Degree Mill on an R&D run. I then get a 5-dig with Eru and whiff, which is fair enough given the six points I've already stolen. I finally find Tomorrowʼs Headline in a HQ run.

Any deck changes?

Honestly unsure about Eru Ayase-Pessoa, she's really cool but hasn't done loads for me when S-Dobrado has done enough. She might want to be a Sneakdoor Beta and then use the spare influence for another Creative Commission or Dr. Nuka Vrolyck. Or maybe even a Katorga Breakout?

Anyway, thanks to all of my opponents, our nameless TO, and Kror for judging! And of course QEH for being a supportive environment for building stuff like this.