The Outfit Doesn't Matter for Ladykiller

PreNic 343

I wanted to bring this deck to the Milano CO of today since it was doing very well during the testing but I was not able to attend at the end. :(

This deck is directly derived from Ladykiller by @Odol.

In the past weeks, I tried to play Nuvem SA: Law of the Land with the obvious synergies like Descent, Tree Line, Logjam and Blockchain. Unfortunately, Logjam and Blockchain suffer Hush way too much and by the time you can make them scary, Hush would just nullify them.

Plus, from the tests it was quite obvious that Subliminal Messaging plus an average number of operations was more than enough to frequently fire the ability of the ID.

So, I wanted to try the ID in a deck that would just leverage the credits and I though Ladykiller was a solid starting point.

The changes:

* +3 Subliminal Messaging
* +2 Hammer
* -1 Above the Law
* -1 Regulatory Capture
* +2 The Basalt Spire

I needed to increase the number of ICE and Hammer seemed as a solid choice. For the agendas, while having 3xRegulatory Capture would be nice, I think playing two copies is enough as a winning condition in the end game. Above the Law is also a very strong option in general but I think the value that The Basalt Spire brings to this deck is way too big, so I wanted to run at least two copies.

Some examples of what you can do with The Basalt Spire:

* on Threat 3, 1 damage from Angelique Garza Correa, token from Basalt, 1 damage from Angelique; even in you don't have Angelique in hand, you can always threaten 1 damage
* on a stolen 5/3, better of a City Works Project behind a Data Loop, you can play Punitive Counterstrike, token from Basalt, Punitive, or if you have 2 Punitive in hand you can play a triple Punitive.
* on a stolen Basalt, even without having a scored one, you can get back a Punitive or an Angelique for extra damage next turn

The game plan does not depend on it but once you have scored a Basalt you are typically in a very good spot (but I guess this is true in general with Basalt ;)).

About the economy, my feeling is that it is even more solid than The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated since you can trigger your ID quite often for free with Subliminal Messaging and triggering the ID is much easier compared to The Outfit. In addition to that, you know what you have on top of R&D and you are cycling through you deck while getting credits, that to me compensates for the additional deck size.

My feeling is that the deck is quite solid, I would suggest you to give it a try! :)