Always Be Running (ABR) is obviously very useful for Adam but can be extremely powerful in both Quetzal and Apex as well. Both the bird-girl and the doom-bot already use e3 Feedback Implants.

Combine these with the right breaker suite (e.g. the Deva suite for Apex) and ICE removal tools (Prey, Parasucker and the cutlery suite) the runner will be able to get into any server and keep it open too.

It's worth noting that 4 of the ICE removal tools are also run events. If you throw in Run Amok on top the corp will have a lot of trouble keeping any ICE rezzed at all.

Dirty Laundry, Early Bird and Doppelgänger offset some of ABR's disadvantages and combining these with either the successful run bonus package or the jack-out package can fix a lot of the potential economic problems ABR causes.

It's unfortunate that Jak Sinclair does not satisfy the 1st requirement so he does not combo with ABR.

Finally if we are talking about run events we certainly shouldn't leave the often ignored Ken "Express" Tenma out of the conversation. If there is any runner that wants to make one successful run each turn with a run event it's hard to look past the escaped clone. e3 Implants is a good choice for Ken anyway and paired with a suitable breaker suite (possibly including Grappling Hook?) there isn't much that can't be broken.

I don't see how Jak and Always Be Running interact with each other in any way. It's not paragraph 1 on Jak. Paragraph 2a on Jak gives you a free run without using any of your standard 4 actions on it so also not that. Also not paragraph 2b because ABR is not a program. It's not paragraph 1 on ABR because Jak isn't forcing you to do something with action 1. It's not paragraph 2 on ABR either because there isn't any kind of restriction. Basically, it looks like there is zero interaction here. —
I agree, which is why I stated that it "does not combo with ABR" in my review and provide an explanation of why he does not combo. I suppose an argument can be made that you can use ABR+e3 to break ICE on that 'free' run but I'm not sure what single ICEd server would be worth spending two clicks to get into. —
Hilarious situation: what happens if you facecheck Excalibur with Jak, and have ABR installed? —
bringing back the dead a bit, but the non-interaction is that you cannot use ABR to break sub routines on your Jak runs. Because ABR says you MUST use your first click to run, you cannot use that click to break a subroutine. —

The new Deva Icebreakers (Aghora, Vamadeva and Sadyojata) are a strong addition to Endless Hunger's toolbox. All three are available and slot nicely with Heartbeat's 1 as the 'secondary breaker'. Even better only one of them will be turned facedown by Apocalypse

Using them in concert with Hunting Grounds, e3 Feedback Implants and Heartbeat there are only 4 pieces of ICE in the game (up to Salsette Island) that cannot be broken or walked through: Caduceus, Pachinko, Viper and Upayoga (if combined with some form of Psi ICE or Mother Goddess with End the Run). Caduceus and Viper are trace effects that can be paid through. Pachinko only works if the runner is tagged (since Data Raven's encounter effect can be defeated by Hunting Grounds there's no reliable in-run method for tagging. Upayoga combined with Bullfrog, Snowflake, Clairvoyant Monitor or Mother Goddess can potentially lock off a server however.

Turing can be walked through for . Once it is passed it can be trashed using Prey for 2 cards if it is installed on a central server.

The other problem this set-up may encounter is Swordsman trashing one of the Devas.

Perhaps the best solution to all of these tricky pieces of ICE may be using Always Be Running combined with e3 Implants. Use this in conjunction with Prey to inconvenient ICE and the world will be yours*.

*to end.

Prey doesn't need subs to be broken. It works when ICE is passed, for whatever reason. Remote Turing is still 5 cards to trash though. —
Thanks enk, updating the review now. —

If you would use Akamatsu Mem Chip for MU, only ices that can end the run and can´t be broken with breaker suite Endless Hunger+devas+Gingerbread+Flip Switch (for Data Ward and Pachinko if you are tagged) are now only Loot Box, triple-advanced Mausolus, Meridian, Peeping Tom and Turing (Vamadeva is AI)

Upayoga's first subroutine presents an interesting game theory problem because the payoff matrix is rather strangely shaped, this is true whether or not Upayoga is being played out of Nisei Division.

  • Neither player should ever bet 2 as this is a strictly worse strategy for both players.

  • The corp player should use a mixed strategy, betting 0 with a 25% probability and 1 with a 75% probability. This is the optimal strategy and matter how the runner varies their strategy they cannot get a better result. This strategy maximises the tax/profit of the encounter, assuming that the corp and runner value 's equally.

  • Using the mixed strategy above, the corp will effect a 1.75 swing every time the is fired using Nisei Division or a 0.75 swing using a different ID.

  • If the runner always bets 0 you can punish them by always betting 1. This strategy will result in a 2 swing inside Nisei Division and a 1 swing using a different ID.

  • If the corp is Nisei Division and desperate for money they can always bet 0 and treat the first sub as a Pop-up Window encounter.

Seems like it's rarely true that both sides value a credit the same, though. Vamp is a good card. Even ignoring that, the mixed strategy is only "optimal" if you also assume the runner knows the corp's betting strategy, which isn't true either unless the corp is an open-source bot or something. —
As an economist, I love seem equilibrium analysis on psi effects. I think it's worth stressing the assumptions involved in some of the conclusions though. A corp with surplus credits can gain a significantly better equilibrium against a runner who is constrained. Anyway, passes peer review. :) —
@Toper: It's the optimal strategy irrespective of whether or not the runner know the corp's betting strategy. In fact, the runner can adopt any strategy involving any [probability] combination of 0, 1 or 2 credits and never get a better expected value than -$1.75 against Nisei Division. Draw up the payoff matrix yourself and test it if you don't believe me. —
Zakalwe, your math is fine; I'm really just making the obvious point that a corp can do better than a .75 or 1.75 swing if they have any read on the runner. The mixed strategy just guarantees you an average payoff, which is indeed optimal against a perfect opponent who can always predict your betting strategy. But against normal players an average payoff is just, you know, average. —
As an example, if you think the runner is equally likely to bid 0 or 1, then a mixed strategy is bad; better to just bid 0. —
I see what you are trying to say now Toper. The whole point of Game Theory is to find the correct best strategy when the opponent is also trying to play the best strategy. Now a runner betting $0/$1 with a 50%/50% probability is not as stupid as repeatly running an Archives full of Shocks until they flatline themselves, but it is certainly a suboptimal pattern of play. I don't think people need help winning against poor play as much as they need help winning against strong play. —

Personality Profiles will totally shut down inconvenience any runner attempt to search their Stack or install a card from Heap. Although this card is targeted against decks it can also impact and decks too.

It can put the hurt on annoying Shaper plays but is almost a dead card against the other two runner factions. Now dead cards are tolerable when they are vital in your meta and can be discarded against irrelevant match ups but not when it's an agenda.

As a 3/1 that gives maximum value when scored early Personality Profiles asks a lot of the corp. It asks the corp to invest 1 card, 4, 3 and a scoring remote to bring it into action. It also risks an Agenda point for the runner as well whenever it is stolen.

Generally I think Chronos Project is a stronger choice since it completely eliminates any recursion of removed cards. However against the highly popular Hayley ID Personality Profiles could have a high impact, since the card that is discarded could be the one that she was planning to install with her ID ability.

Note: It is possible to play around this effect by installing with an empty Grip, but that is hardly a safe way to play.

High Impact Targets:

Moderate Impact Targets:

Low Impact Targets:

Not Affected:

Don't forget [Replicator](/en/card/02088), especially with the new combo card [Bazaar](/en/card/10065). —
Gah, how does linking cards work in comments? —
It doesn't! —

You forget conspiracy suite. 4 years late, I know

Localized Product Line is going to be the basis of a lot of combos, but just like Accelerated Diagnostics, it needs support cards to make it work.

The biggest limitation of LPL is that the corp must reveal the cards to the runner. This means tipping the other player off to the corp's intentions. This information makes it imperative that whatever operation based strategy is implemented in the same turn. This means using cards that give additional clicks.

Jeeves works well with operationas combos such as SEA/Midseason-Scorch.

Subcontract is an ideal combo piece as well.

Out of additional possibilities such as Efficiency Committee and Biotic Labor also arise, potentially allowing for fast-advancing a Vanity Project with a triple Shipment from SanSan.

Research Grant might verge upon usability with LPL, especially using a Jeeves-MirrorMorph-Shipment from SanSan combo, but the corp will spend the previous turn with 3 Agendas in hand, unless they use Biotic Labor to kick things off. A two-turn play might install one copy the previous turn and then triple advance the next turn, using Jeeves to MirrorMorph the other two copies before scoring all three.

Another interesting play is adding 3x Snare! to HQ and then playing An Offer You Can't Refuse. The corp can even spend the 3rd to a resource with the Snare! tag. With HQ Interface installed it may even be a flatline play.

Jackson Howard and/or Museum of History also combos with LPL to return up to 3 spent cards to R&D so you can use tutor them back to HQ.

[Punitive Counterstrike](/en/card/04079)? —
For the Research Grant play, if you had a Lakshmi SmartFabrics on the table you could prevent the runner from stealing any of them. —
Snare! "Stay out of our goddamned headquarters" - Replicating Perfection :P —
This card is Reclamation Order's best friend —
How about using a single copy of this card along with a single copy of Consulting Visit and three copies of Mumbad City Hall? —
I love Punitive and Snare! —