Cancel your weekend, I need this by Monday. (3-2 ACC)

CephalopodWizard 368


Me, who spent 5 years optimizing Musaazi, and was only freed from this quest by the printing of Audrey v2


0 cards in R&D

I just wanted to do hand size stuff. There's so much stuff that draws, and some payoffs, I assume that this can be combined.


2024 American Continentals.


Placed in the top half (38th), going 3-2! While the literal placement is unimpressive, I didn't find any other decklists doing this, and have assumed that I've made a brilliant and novel discovery. It even scored out faster than Hoshiko!


The rules don't say that I can't register with under-tested jank.


This deck aspires to score out rapidly, and once you hit threat 3, Sudden Commandment's click can be laundered into fast-advancing, either by going +1 click with Subliminal Messaging to score Superconducting Hub, or combining with Biotic Labor to be able to score Kingmaking. In practice, it resembles a miniature CI (3 agendas in hand, but that's fine because of the 6 other cards), crossed with PD's early game (have fun breaking Gatekeeper and Piranhas). These cards don't tend to be useful for very long, but even a single turn is a huge windfall in a 9-turn game.

The 3x Seamless Launch are critical to this deck, because you need to cheat hard, with every unadvanced card representing a potential Kingmaking or Degree Mill.

"If you like drawing cards so much, how come you didn't play R+?" Giving tags actually costs too many deckslots. There's only about 20 real cards in this deck, and the rest of the deck just draws cards. Besides, Azmari is a fantastic fork: I name "event" all game, and because runner decks are at least 20 events these days, they have to either slow roll their events, or just give me the money.

Potential Optimizations

There's so many. I rapidly learned that proactive tagging and casual damage cards just didn't do anything, to say nothing of mitigating the bad publicity, so that pushed the deck hard towards winning as fast as possible. The ID and some big Yodels can fund some ambitious fast-advance plays, and I currently find myself asking: would another Biotic Labor make sense? If I cut the Gatekeeper, what do I put in its place? The code gates in this deck are all chosen to harm Buzzsaw users, and Authenticator just isn't it. Dare I play Focus Group? What if I played SYNC Rerouting? I don't think anyone wants to poke centrals with that active.

Anyways, that's what I came up with for this one. Stay tuned for more unhinged deckbuilding!

4 Jun 2024 jan tuno

what would you even know about what the rules say. good deck.