With the ban of NBN: Reality Plus, the stock of Oracle Thinktank has gone down quite a bit.

It is still an okay agenda. Playing well in a deck with lots of traps and tags.

Because of this, this agenda pairs well with any tag punishment, such as End of the Line.

It combine well with Kingmaking, since you don't intend to score Oracle Thinktank, but get a "free" 3rd point with Kingmaking, while having an inescapable tag, thus allowing the use of Oppo Research to further tag storm the runner.

The art is nice, but does not evoke anything related to the name, quote or ability of the agenda. The quote, however, is quite fitting with the agenda ability, same as the name. Good work.


What is the point of such an ID ability? Shenanigans!

But seriously, this identity can make the runner's life quite difficult, because it gives control to the corp.

First, this identity is supposed to be played with Stoke the Embers, for which it is custom made. Not mandatory, but recommended.

Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided combine well with multiple cards, such as Federal Fundraising, Balanced Coverage and Open Forum. And if the runner trash any of those cards, they are giving you power counters for your ID.

It also goes well with fast advance tools such as SanSan City Grid, Vladisibirsk City Grid, The Holo Man, Calibration Testing, Biotic Labor and Audacity. Because you get to draw and install ANY of the top 3 cards of R&D, allowing you to to then score any 3-2, 3-1 and 2-1 agendas.

This is fun! It might be the most potent identity, but it promotes an exchange between players that create more interesting choices, for both players. Making the game that much more fun (this is because I think interactions between players is where there is the most fun).

Fine Art, fine quote, fine name, fine ability, fine job!


This upgrade makes landing Punitive Counterstrike SO much easier. BUT, the runner can still score the last agenda before being flatlined, unless they had only one card in hand, which would make the "cost" to steal impossible to pay for the runner.

Hence, this upgrade combine well with Punitive Counterstrike (as stated above), Angelique Garza Correa, Hokusai Grid Mganga and Anemone. The last two ices can make it impossible for the runner to steal that agenda.

The best part is that even if the runner use Pinhole Threading, the runner will have to take out ALSO two cards from hand.

But, contrary to Angelique Garza Correa, this upgrade will NOT flatline the runner, unless the runner access it first, before accessing a trap.

In any case, paying 2 to take out 2 cards from the runner's hand is a bargain.

The only drawback is that it provide the runner with a choice, which makes it slightly weaker.

Art and name is nice. The quote provide some context, but I need more to understand it, something is missing here.


The second best Jinteki upgrade for a glacier deck, after Anoetic Void.

This upgrade is custom made for A Teia: IP Recovery, since the corp and trigger A Teia: IP Recovery and then move the upgrade where it is needed.

Psi tests are fun, as it give 1 chance out of 3 to land. However, everyone seems to forget how the card work and need to read the card, which has a wall of text.

Otherwise, is will always cost the runner some credits (2 to trash) and can force the runner to do a new run on the server. Which is why it fit into a glacier strategy, since making that second run through all the ices will cost the runner dearly.

Nice art, aiming to highlight the use of a psi ability in the art. The name is an iconic sysop from Jinteki. "Seis" means 6, which also highlights the fact that it is a clone. Well done!


Jinteki has two ices, one asset and one agenda that can tag the runner. Which means the if you intended to use the second clause of the card, you'll need either to import cards from other factions, or to use this card out of faction.

Otherwise, it is equivalent to use Red Level Clearance with no option but with the ability to put something on the top of R&D. That part slows you down, but can also make the runner wary of running R&D.

Otherwise, this combine well with tag storm decks (Oppo Research, etc.) and will allow you to do 5 damages, if played along End of the Line and Public Trail.

Art, quote and name go fairly well all together, making the card easily recognizable, thanks to the gray person in the center. Well done!