This is the second best ice that Jinteki got after Tatu-Bola (which give credits and get rids of trojans). The closest comparison for this ice is Bran 1.0. Both have 3 subs, and while Bran 1.0 start at 6. strenght, it can be clicked through, while Boto cannot be clicked but get its strength to 6 at threat 4 (late in the game).

This ice will stop many runs and it taxing to the runner to facecheck, with its initial 2 net damages. And outside of a boosted Cleaver, it will cost 3 credits to break, which is fairly taxing for the runner (just like Bran 1.0).

Now, after all those comparison to Bran 1.0 and considering both are the same price (2 influences and 6 credits), would it be splashed out of faction? If you are HB and want a strong barrier, then you could have Boto on top of Bran 1.0 in your deck (a fairly expensive proposition), but this compete with having Tatu-Bola for the same influence (and probably more benefits). If you are Weyland, you alread have good barrier in faction (Pharos is a good example). What is left is NBN, which have okay barriers but could benefit to have a strong barrier ice. If your NBN deck is all about damage, you would probably be better served with something like Anemone, for the same influence at half the credits price. If your NBN deck is a type of glacier, then Bran 1.0 will get you better results. All this to say that Boto will rarely be used out of faction.

With all that, Boto remain a great ice for Jinteki for most deck that want to stop a run.

The name, art and quote all join together in a coherent narrative, all of which are well done. Good design.


Another superb asset in the Jinteki arsenal. While fragile, this card enable fast advance and tempo (draw and credits). And best of all, at 2 influences, it can be splashed easily out of faction.

More often than not, you will want to have at least 2 protected remote to use Cohort Guidance Program. And A Teia: IP Recovery is happy to provide. But this will help also for asset spam decks and any deck that want to fast advance agendas while having more than one remote.

Identity that have an affinity for Cohort Guidance Program are :

Any deck that goes for the asset spam archetype (corp that want to create multiple servers that may or may not be protected) will benefit from Cohort Guidance Program.

Other than agendas, this card can power up other useful assets (like Charlotte Caçador), upgrades (such as Bio Vault) and even ices (like Pharos). Then those advances can be used by Trick of Light.

Of course, like most great asset, this one is fragile, with a mere 2 credits to trash. For a runner, Cohort Guidance Program should be trashed on sight, it is that good.

Art is nice and kinda subdued, considering the implication of creating clones for purposes that include "hunting (probably humans)", it is probably better that way. The quote pairs well with the name and art of the card, which hints at the capacity of the card. Good work.


Charlotte Caçador, probably the best card that came out with RwR (the other one was banned). For the low price of 2 influence, you get another kind of NGO Front. You never lose with this card.

This asset combine really well with La Costa Grid, Mitosis, Kakurenbo and Cohort Guidance Program, which get you advances clicklessly in faction. But it also combine with cards like Business As Usual. There are other cards that can put advances, but those are really specialized for fast advances (like Seamless Launch and The Holo Man).

But this combine really well with two identities : Weyland Consortium: Built to Last and Pravdivost Consulting: Political Solutions. BtL makes the action of putting an advance on Charlotte a positive action, while Pravdivost get a free advance on it when the runner interact with the corp.

Into an glacier type of deck (a deck that score behind multiple ices), Charlotte is perfect. You get credits and draw, while the runner must either spend a precious card like Pinhole Threading to take it out or spend lots of credits to force you to trash it (in which case, you just do not lose any credits).

Finally, at 2 influences, this card can be splashed easily out of faction. What a bargain.

Art wise, it not only represent a nice scene in the world of netrunnner, but is also used as a cover image for the most watched stream. All of which synergize with the name (Caçador means hunter in portuguese) and quote. Fantastic work!


Here is a niche but good ice. Sadly, having a threat 4 instead of threat 3 means the additional ability will start rather late in the game.

The ice is intended to go with Thule Subsea: Safety Below and Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power. The first benefit from taking away clicks and the second benefit from having a AP ice.

If tags is the goal you seek, Funhouse and Phoneutria will probably give better results, for the same cost in influence. You could even go for Authenticator.

But is you go for having more small agendas (1 and 2 pointers), then threat 4 is still 2 agenda steal away from winning/losing. Making Jaguarundi quite potent.

Jaguarundi will combo well with deck that aims to flatline the runner. Doing Core damage makes it easier to use End of the Line to flatline the runner.

Of note, this ice just need one sub to be broken, since the second sub does not matter until threat 4, making this ice rather cheap to pass, considering the cost of 4. Compare this to Tithe...

Art wise, this is top tier. Just play amazing and cool art. The quote is nice and it even hint at the effect of the ice (I wish I knew who Moth was). Name and art goes together. Very well done!


The most fearful and annoying agenda of them all. If this ever get scored, the runner will be in for a world of pain.

The ability to force the runner to pass AGAIN one ice is usually a tough proposition. Of course, it just makes runs more expansives. But Jinteki has very good sentries that are expansive to pass.

For the runner, this can be mitigated by doing high impact runs. And not running every turns. But this will allow the corp to have more time to setup and get rich.

This agenda combine really well if ice that have on encouter ability. In faction, there is Cloud Eater (very expensive) that would be a real pain to pass a second time. Out of faction, Funhouse and Tollbooth (or a Mestnichestvo with load of advances) would be quite annoying. Of course, this can be mitigated somewhat with Hush.

The main issue for this agenda is to score it. You score it like a 5-3 agenda, but only get 2 points. This is were Regenesis can help to score this agenda for free. The second issue is that you have to build your corp around this agenda. Because to be effective, you need to use big ices, which are expensive and thus, must have a robust economy for your deck. At which point, it is worthwhile to ask yourself if you could win faster with an agenda that is easier to score.

The best identity for this agenda is probably AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World, because it allow the corp to for the runner to always encounter the WORSE ice possible. In this case, you only have to rez ONE big ice to be truly annoying.

The art is nice and colorfully violent. The quote is the best part, which basically tell you the ability of the card. Well done.