Ok, let me put it up front : I dislike this card. That does not mean it is bad or should not be played, but only that I am biased against this card.
It is the asset that is doing the ability to Jinteki: Replicating Perfection, which I really disliked to run against in the past.
This card is mainly used to create a prison corp deck, which aim to not the runner to interact with the corp. Done well, it is a powerful strategy.
The trick, to use this card well, is to have asset on the board that put pressure on the runner ressources if not interacted early with. Cards like MCA Austerity Policy can become a nightmare for the runner.
Which is why, at 2 influences, it is sometimes used out of faction, especially in NBN deck (to provoke Oppo Research) and HB deck (with click removing tools like Active Policing).
Otherwise, it is a card that aim to indirectly protect assets on the board, by forcing the runner to run a central before running the assets on the board. This is why it is somewhat good in asset spam decks, if you can make central taxing to run.
Even if I dislike the card, it is undeniably well made, with the name, quote and art coming together to laugh in the face of the runner, adding insult to injury with the ability of the card. Fantastic job!