Ok, let me put it up front : I dislike this card. That does not mean it is bad or should not be played, but only that I am biased against this card.

It is the asset that is doing the ability to Jinteki: Replicating Perfection, which I really disliked to run against in the past.

This card is mainly used to create a prison corp deck, which aim to not the runner to interact with the corp. Done well, it is a powerful strategy.

The trick, to use this card well, is to have asset on the board that put pressure on the runner ressources if not interacted early with. Cards like MCA Austerity Policy can become a nightmare for the runner.

Which is why, at 2 influences, it is sometimes used out of faction, especially in NBN deck (to provoke Oppo Research) and HB deck (with click removing tools like Active Policing).

Otherwise, it is a card that aim to indirectly protect assets on the board, by forcing the runner to run a central before running the assets on the board. This is why it is somewhat good in asset spam decks, if you can make central taxing to run.

Even if I dislike the card, it is undeniably well made, with the name, quote and art coming together to laugh in the face of the runner, adding insult to injury with the ability of the card. Fantastic job!


Efficiency in Jinteki. This ID reminds me of Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration, where you gain efficiency through the ID ability, a rare thing for Jinteki.

The ability of A Teia: IP Recovery is a strange combination of Jinja City Grid and Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance, using the Jinteki card pool.

Four main uses have been done with the ID ability.

  1. Build a very tall remote, since ice placement is free. Allowing you to become an hyper glacier. Here, you want a fair amount of upgrades (Adrian Seis, Mavirus, etc.) to put in the second remote to place an ice for free in the first remote.

  2. Benefit from out of turn card placement, coming from Daruma, Tucana, Bran 1.0, Tatu-Bola, Project Yagi-Uda, Ablative Barrier and Timely Public Release. Those cards will let you install ANY card in the other remote (even an agenda)! This will allow the corp to kinda fast advance a 3-2 agenda or even a 4-2 agenda if combine with Seamless Launch.

  3. Benefit from in turn card install to increase the efficiency of the deck, with cards like Arella Salvatore, The Powers That Be, Tucana, Bioroid Work Crew and Jinja City Grid.

  4. Place more threats on the board, to make to remotes that will be fairly robust and still have clicks to advance a card in both remote, or double advance one card. With all the traps in the Jinteki card pool, the runner might be weary of running anything.

This is probably the Jinteki ID that is the most fun to play, but challenging because of the possible interactions in and out of turn.

Art, name (which means "the web") and quote (which means "let fugitives beware") all go together beautifully. The ability of the ID however does not seem to fit with all of this, but maybe in a transversal kind of way it does? Still, very well made identity, great job!


Please read Chezni review, it is very good. I'm adding a some info about combo in my review.

Greasing the Palm is mainly played in deck that aim to go faster and that can draw cards fairly quickly. It represents well Haas-Bioroid in its pool of cards that enhance efficiency.

Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design usually use it because it allow the corp to increase its efficiency by putting a card on the board and gaining some economy.

Asset spam decks (Thule Subsea: Safety Below and Sportsmetal: Go Big or Go Home) will also play it for the same reason. Because it combine really well with Tranquility Home Grid, allowing the corp to put a card on the board and gain 4.

Greasing the Palm combine also well with Red Level Clearance, Midnight-3 Arcology and Superconducting Hub, as it will help the corp deal with a lot of cards in hand.

In theory, it would combine with tags, usually in the form of Oppo Research, to fast advance a 3-2 or 3-1 agenda, but it is quite an expensive proposition in faction. For that reason, it could be played mainly by NBN corps, who can do a tag storm on the runner, forcing the runner to float tags. But with a cost of 3 influences, it is difficult to justify, since NBN has fast advance tools that are just as good. Conclusion : the second part of the card text is almost never used.

Art, quote and name of the card combine seamlessly for this elegant card. Beautiful.


Has stated in other review, this can be kinda compared to Border Control, because it could end the run by trashing the ice.

But it is also a 3 subs code gate, making it expensive (except for Buzzsaw) to pass multiple times. 3 subs is also taxing for Boomerang and Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga.

This ice shine for three main applications :

  1. Protecting Ikawah Project, where trashing the ice can make Ikawah Project impossible to steal.

  2. Combo with Manegarm Skunkworks to making the run more expensive and better protect the root of the server.

  3. With Thule Subsea: Safety Below to force the runner to take a Core damage.

Otherwise, it is a boosted (2x) version of Enigma, twice the strength, twice the cost.

The quote goes well with the name of the ice (once you know it stand for military industrial complex). While the art is nice, it look more like toys (an administrator with an helmet?!) than what the name and effect of the card would suggest. All in all, it is good.


This is the second best ice that Jinteki got after Tatu-Bola (which give credits and get rids of trojans). The closest comparison for this ice is Bran 1.0. Both have 3 subs, and while Bran 1.0 start at 6. strenght, it can be clicked through, while Boto cannot be clicked but get its strength to 6 at threat 4 (late in the game).

This ice will stop many runs and it taxing to the runner to facecheck, with its initial 2 net damages. And outside of a boosted Cleaver, it will cost 3 credits to break, which is fairly taxing for the runner (just like Bran 1.0).

Now, after all those comparison to Bran 1.0 and considering both are the same price (2 influences and 6 credits), would it be splashed out of faction? If you are HB and want a strong barrier, then you could have Boto on top of Bran 1.0 in your deck (a fairly expensive proposition), but this compete with having Tatu-Bola for the same influence (and probably more benefits). If you are Weyland, you alread have good barrier in faction (Pharos is a good example). What is left is NBN, which have okay barriers but could benefit to have a strong barrier ice. If your NBN deck is all about damage, you would probably be better served with something like Anemone, for the same influence at half the credits price. If your NBN deck is a type of glacier, then Bran 1.0 will get you better results. All this to say that Boto will rarely be used out of faction.

With all that, Boto remain a great ice for Jinteki for most deck that want to stop a run.

The name, art and quote all join together in a coherent narrative, all of which are well done. Good design.