What a great design for a card. TLDR is this : either the runner pay 4 to trash this (or a virus with Imp), or the corp save some money.

The corp NEVER lose money with this card. You'll rez this card only if you rez an ice, which means that on rez, the corp is already at a break even point. Over the game, Cybersand Harvester will allow you to stack ice without paying for it. Not a big thing, but a credit saved is a credit earned. In an emergency, the corp can still trash this asset to get any credits on it.

Ideal for glacier. Leaving this unprotected for a glacier deck is not a problem. Since either the runner runs a server with multiple ices on it, making Cybersand Harvester get more than 2, or the runner check this card and trash it, thus costing the runner some ressources (unless the runner is using 2x Paricia or Scrubber, which are "infinite").

The main issue with this card is that it will compete with other card that give the corp more tempo. As such, it might be better to combine it with some sort of trash punishment, like Oppo Research. Then, the runner is incentized to NOT trash it, and if the runner does so, the combine cost of ressource + punishment will give the corp some momentum.

The art, quote and name of the card combine well together, but I fail to make the link with the ability of the card. Otherwise, everything in this card evoke the reckless ressource extraction of Weyland. Nice.


In the beginning, Cupellation was under valued. But by late 2024, Cupellation was in a lot of competitive decks, especially shaper.

Why is that? Mainly because of Simulchip, which allows shaper to reuse this program easily. Shaper could also use Reclaim, but it is an all but forgotten card nowaday. This let shaper to pressure the corp better, while having the equivalent of Legwork to check HQ.

But also, and this is why it is so good, it act as an Imp that cannot be purged and that does not trigger Oppo Research, because nothing was trashed. Cupellation also allows the runner to take out any important card from the corp, that cannot be taken back by the corp, since it is hosted on a runner's card!

That is huge! Want to make archive less toxic to run, put Mavirus on Cupellation. Encounter the high influence fast advance tool of the corp, such as Audacity, put it on Cupellation and then the corp cannot use it for their game plan. The potential for corp disruption is amazing! You can even host an agenda on it, thus preventing Punitive Counterstrike to be used against the runner.

In faction, the fact that this takes up one MU is a problem, as MU are usually tight for criminal. But it just means a bit more memory management for the runner.

Out of faction, especially for shaper, 2 influences is a bargain for this program. It does compete with Imp, but you'll probably win more games with Cupellation than with Imp, because sweeping HQ matters to win games.

The name is a bit of an arcane metallurgy process (as explained in MattOhNo review) and I would have loved a quote, along with an art that is related to the name, but understanding the ability of the card through the name or art is rather esoteric.


Now, runner have 3 ways to win the game : scoring out, decking the corp and Jeitinho!

This card synergize with Window of Opportunity, Bahia Bands, Prognostic Q-Loop, Masterwork (v37) and The Wizard’s Chest to install itself clicklessly. The Wizard’s Chest is a standout because it also let you tutor it.

On top of that, by midgame it synergize with bypass tools to get installed from the heap!

Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy is probably the best runner for this hardware, since the extra click can be used to install Jeitinho. Sadly, Mercury: Chrome Libertador is thematically linked to the card, but Mercury ability does not synergize well with Jeitinho.

One of the best thing to use with Jeitinho is Security Testing, because it will protect the runner from accessing anything (traps and agendas), making you less prone to Snare! and Oppo Research, while making breaking all those ices cheaper.

Even at 4 influences, this can be used out of faction to have a runner that try to win in a different way. Anarch can use The Wizard’s Chest in faction to help themselves and have tools to pass ices easily, if the deck is based around this. Shapers have Reclaim to install it from the heap and are probably the best at breaking ices cheaply.

The fun thing is that just running all centrals multiple times, you will probably be on game point by the time you get to kill the corp.

The art, the name, the effect, the flavor, the quote all come together to put Jeitinho in the top 3 best card of Rebellion without Rehearsal.


Almost every criminal decks will benefit from this hardware. Run on click 0 and spend 2 to bypass any of the worst ice there, sign me up!

Considering that Docklands Pass and WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ are in faction and synergize well with this hardware. Best thing is that it is useful at every point of the game.

While it does not benefit from using all the run based event that criminal has, it allows criminals to put pressure on the corp by forcing the rez of at least 2 ices on HQ. If you also play with Emergency Shutdown, this becomes a nightmare for the corp : free run on HQ, corp rez to protect, you bypass and then derez the ice, thus costing the corp load of credits.

Even at 4 influences (a correct amount in my opinion), it is worth it for out of faction pressure. Anarch can use it with The Twinning for multiaccess on HQ, shaper can use it as a pressure tool to force the corp to rez more ices than needed. While of the 2 cost, makes this less ideal for Deep Dive, running clicklessly, then breaking ice normally is a way to get have an extra for Deep Dive. What a busted card!

Best of all, for veteran netrunner players, is that it let you do what Always Be Running was allowing you to do, but better (full bypass instead of breaking one sub).

I wish my alarm clock was doing those holograms. Good art (who is that person?), splendid quote, amazing card name, stupendous card.


What an amazing card this is! This is on par with Bahia Bands, but even better, as it actually let you pressure the corp even more.

For a mere 1, you get to run a server, derez the most problematic ice (possibly for the corp to spend an inordinate amount of credits to protect itself) AND install a program or hardware. Yes, please!

The gain in tempo is amazing. This is like gaining an extra click. You get to feel a bit like Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist, but you also get to put down something that could be useful. Be it Boomerang, Jeitinho, Botulus or even Saci (as described in the previous review).

This is even better with an ID like Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy or Los: Data Hijacker.

At 2 influences, it is a bargain and can be used easily out of faction. Shapers will like the gain of tempo, but Anarch will benefit the most, with access to Botulus and Paladin Poemu.

The art is well done and it encapsulate the quote and the ability of the card. Good job.