Slash and Burn Agriculture is the quadruply-advanceable double-advancer: it will be two advancement counters when you need them (eg. when you're holding have fast-advanceable agendas) and it can be two agenda points when you want those (eg. when you're holding fast-advancing operations, or sitting on well-protected servers, or so on).

Compare: A single-click “tutor-or-advance” operation (cf. Pivot), like:

Choose one:
• Place 2 advancement counters on
  1 installed card that you can advance.
• Search R&D for 1 card you can advance
  and reveal it. Add that card to HQ.

While “expending” a piece of ice (Tree Line) or an upgrade (Angelique Garza Correa) costs the draw, “expending” this agenda also risks two agenda points: It's a faceup agenda in Archives!


  • Audacity (as @RKruler14 says), which also places two advancement counters inexpensively and unconditionally, and can also risk agendas from HQ.
  • Success and Oberth Protocol, which forfeit agendas for advancement.
  • Hollywood Renovation, an agenda which advances other advanceables.

Flavor: Slash-and-burn agriculture is the cutting and burning of a forest to make a farm, which will (for a year) have richer soil from the ash and fewer weeds or pests.

Most of the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil, where there's extreme deforestation for cattle ranches and soybean farms (partially via slash-and-burn).

Jaguarundi tags and cores.

Design: It pairs a conditional effect (↳ If the Runner is tagged, ….) with the conditioning effect (↳ Give the Runner 1 tag.). cf. a “green Jaguarundidestroyer, with:

↳ Give the Runner 1 tag.
↳ If the Runner is tagged,
  trash 1 installed program.
↳ If the Runner has at least 2 tags,
  trash 1 installed piece of hardware.

Also, any “click-bribeable” Haas-Bioroid effect acts like a “pseudo-bioroid” subroutine (with infinite strength). I think more non-bioroids should have such “click, or else” ultimatums, and with more “else” effects than just ETR. Such as Jaguarundi's tagging, or:

  • blanking: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, choose 1 installed program. For the remainder of this run, that program loses all abilities unless the Runner spends [click].
  • damaging: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, if they have any [click] remaining, do 1 core damage unless the Runner spends [click].
  • installing: eg. When the Runner encounters this ice, you may install 1 card from HQ unless they spend [click]. If you do, they may spend [click] to expose that card.
  • purging: eg. When you rez this ice during a run against this server, purge virus counters unless the Runner spends [click][click].

Flavor: The jaguarundi is a wild cat in South America, smaller than a jaguar and larger than a house cat.

(Context warning: discussion of enslavement below.)

Flavor: There is no bioroid ice in The Automata Initiative, but two-out-of-three Haas-Bioroid ice are still “click-thru-able” (Jaguarundi and M.I.C.). Why? Maybe because in Brazil, while most bioroid people are still in debt peonage or wage slavery (of being Wage Workers), Mercury: Chrome Libertador et alia have liberated themselves from chattel slavery (as of Ansel 1.0’s and Brân 1.0’s).

Compare: a Resistor crossed with a Funhouse (as @tehepicwin says).

Design: Starlit Knight both gives tags and cares about them (to end the run, like IP Block, Data Ward, Hydra, and so on).

cf. a purple “Starlit Jaguarundi, with two ↳ Do 1 core damage. subs and X extra ETR subs where X is equal to the amount of core damage the Runner has taken this game..

Phoneutria is an AP that punishes both a small grip (via 2 net damage in the subroutines) and a large grip (with 1 tag in the trigger).

Compare: Kakugo, whose passage trigger was unconditional and whose trigger effect was deadlier in multiples.

Flavor: The phoneutria (« φονεύτρια », “murderess” in Greek) are also known as “Brazilian wandering spiders”, “armed spiders”, or “banana spiders”.

I think Phoneutria is one of the few ICE that punishes you for breaking it - Gold Farmer anyone? - sure, you didn't lose your cards, but now you're tagged... Unless you're mercury (equipped with a ton of bypasses) or you have rollerskates, ofc

"When you pass this ICE" applies to bypasses I believe

Design: Valentão is a “soft” illicit that drains credits before comparing credit pools.

  • You can detag to skip the badpub (unlike “hard” illicit's).
  • You'll end the run if, for example, you had $4 and they had $7 before the encounter, (because you'll reach $6 and they'll drop to $5). Which is like a “pseudo-trace-attempt” (cf. ↳ Trace [4]. If successful, end the run.).

Compare: Whitespace crossed with a Veritas (and a Muckraker).

Flavor: In Brazilian Portuguese, “valentão” seems to mean “bully”.

PS. A Jinteki Valentão could “drain” cards (like Vampyronassa does) before comparing hand sizes: ↳ Do 1 net damage. ↳ You may draw 1 card. ↳ If there are more cards in HQ than in the grip, end the run.

(EDIT) Piranhas has been printed in this (mini?)cycle, which is also a $5/6s/3↳ codegate, also with take 1 bad publicity or remove 1 tag illicit-ness, and that also ‘drains’ a value (from the Runner to the Corp) before comparing those values; but it's in NBN and it drains cards-in-hand.

Right on the money. Only in NBN instead of Jinteki