The second best Jinteki upgrade for a glacier deck, after Anoetic Void.

This upgrade is custom made for A Teia: IP Recovery, since the corp and trigger A Teia: IP Recovery and then move the upgrade where it is needed.

Psi tests are fun, as it give 1 chance out of 3 to land. However, everyone seems to forget how the card work and need to read the card, which has a wall of text.

Otherwise, is will always cost the runner some credits (2 to trash) and can force the runner to do a new run on the server. Which is why it fit into a glacier strategy, since making that second run through all the ices will cost the runner dearly.

Nice art, aiming to highlight the use of a psi ability in the art. The name is an iconic sysop from Jinteki. "Seis" means 6, which also highlights the fact that it is a clone. Well done!


Jinteki has two ices, one asset and one agenda that can tag the runner. Which means the if you intended to use the second clause of the card, you'll need either to import cards from other factions, or to use this card out of faction.

Otherwise, it is equivalent to use Red Level Clearance with no option but with the ability to put something on the top of R&D. That part slows you down, but can also make the runner wary of running R&D.

Otherwise, this combine well with tag storm decks (Oppo Research, etc.) and will allow you to do 5 damages, if played along End of the Line and Public Trail.

Art, quote and name go fairly well all together, making the card easily recognizable, thanks to the gray person in the center. Well done!


Tatu-Bola is the most played ice in faction and the most played jinteki ice out of faction. It is probably the best ice of Jinteki.

This is allow wonderful things like getting rid of any Trojan, getting economy, and triggering A Teia: IP Recovery.

Only cost 2, end the run AND give you back more credits, yes please!

If you combine this with VovĂ´ Ozetti, you get the equivalent of Hedge Fund!

EVERY faction can make use of this ice, there are no drawbacks. Want to go fast while gear checking the runner, Tatu-Bola provides. Want to insure you can land Big Deal, Tatu-Bola provides. Want to increase the credit differential between the corp and the runner, Tatu-Bola provides.

It even works if the runner bypass the ice!

To top it off, the art is easily recognizable, the quote and name mesh perfectly with the ability of the ice. AMAZING!


Is this ice worth installing, compared to other ices in faction, considering that K2CP Turbine and other breaker strength booster are quite common? Only for certain strategies, which will not matter soon enough.

Why? Because at 6 to rez, as demonstrated by ExperementalDataCore review, it grinds the runner credits, especially if the runner has to pass it more than once. However, 6 is expensive if the runner is using ice trashing tools like Arruaceiras Crew.

Considering that the ice either grinds cards from hand or credits, this ice fit with a deck that aims to use Punitive Counterstrike, allow it increase the probability of flatlining the runner.

Otherwise, it is still a good ice for glacier decks, making the runner pay dearly to get to the root of the server.

But it is not that great if it is a single ice protecting the server, as the runner can simply draw cards and pass the ice, as if the runner had Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga installed.

At 3 influences, there is no reason to use this ice out of faction, since every faction has similarly costed ices that can grind the runner credits, with different effects (like M.I.C.).

The name and art of the card goes well, along with the effect of the card. Sadly, the wall of text did not allow the card to have a quote. I appreciate the use of white contour for the ant to increase the contrast. Good job.


Ok, let me put it up front : I dislike this card. That does not mean it is bad or should not be played, but only that I am biased against this card.

It is the asset that is doing the ability to Jinteki: Replicating Perfection, which I really disliked to run against in the past.

This card is mainly used to create a prison corp deck, which aim to not the runner to interact with the corp. Done well, it is a powerful strategy.

The trick, to use this card well, is to have asset on the board that put pressure on the runner ressources if not interacted early with. Cards like MCA Austerity Policy can become a nightmare for the runner.

Which is why, at 2 influences, it is sometimes used out of faction, especially in NBN deck (to provoke Oppo Research) and HB deck (with click removing tools like Active Policing).

Otherwise, it is a card that aim to indirectly protect assets on the board, by forcing the runner to run a central before running the assets on the board. This is why it is somewhat good in asset spam decks, if you can make central taxing to run.

Even if I dislike the card, it is undeniably well made, with the name, quote and art coming together to laugh in the face of the runner, adding insult to injury with the ability of the card. Fantastic job!