Mindscaping, aka. “Jinteki-Level Clearance”, aka. “Low-Profile Target”.

For example, if the Runner floated a pair of tags (such as from Phoneutria and Snare!, or from their own Eru Ayase-Pessoa and Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra), Mindscaping will Do 2 net damage. However, even if they've floated infinite tags (such as for Counter Surveillance), you'll still need two Mindscaping to flatline them (Do 3 net damage. Do 2 net damage.).

Otherwise, Mindscaping can simply net +$2 and “+0c” (nb. most cards net -1 card when played), with some selection and manipulation. For example, you can en-Snare! R&D. Or you can just top an agenda from HQ (if R&D is better protected, or if you have a shuffling effect, or so on). You can top an (untrashable) ice to shield against R&D breaches (or to slow down multiaccess, milling, and so on).

Design: I love the loosening and spreading out of tag-punishment. Mindscaping is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags). Mindscaping:

  • is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags).
  • has a “hedge mode” (an unconditional, but small, effect) and “hate mode” (a large, but conditional, effect).

I also like Jinteki's heritage/sermon effects (ie. Draw X cards. Add 1 card from HQ to the top of R&D.), both the decision making (“What should I put back?”) and the mind games (“What will the Runner think I put back?”).

With Mindscaping, a Jinteki Corp can punish a tagged Runner without splashing (End of the Line, et cetera); cf. Hypoxia.



Flavor: The more Jinteki knows about you, more they can “landscape” your mind, into a flatlineable neuro-topiary (like Caprice Nisei with her bonsai tree).

Greasing the Palm is a credit-positive “detag-kickable” installer–advancer.

For example, without losing any credits, you can:

  • fast-advance a 3/2 (or 3/1), if the Runner is tagged (and you're not bankrupt).
  • install the 3rd piece of ice (at the same server).


Design: I love these new generic/economy cards with tag-punishment bonuses (like GtP) or modes (like Mindscaping).

Wage Workers, the “new Jeeves” (and the first official card that's both bioroid and clone).


  • Wage Workers is “actions taken”–based, while Jeeves Model Bioroids were “clicks spent”–based”. Thus, doing a purge, playing a triple (or a double then a “single”), using a [click][click][click]: … ability (and so on), WON'T trigger it. (However, you can still triple-use (the same copy of) a Regolith Mining License or Cold Site Server.)

  • Wage Workers is once-per-action-type bounded, while Jeeves Model Bioroids were once-per-turn bounded. Thus, playing three (click-neutral/click-positive) operations and then (basic-)advancing three times, WILL trigger it twice.

Also note that Wage Workers can't cheat terminal’s (same as how Jeeves Model Bioroids couldn't), because gaining a click doesn't restart your action phase.

Operational synergies:

Also note that you can just manually quadruple-advance a pre-installed/never-advanced 4/2, or so on.

Flavor: In Brazil, Bioroids (and Clones) aren't owned by Haas (or Jinteki), but the former must still work for the latter.


So what you are saying is 3x Biotic labor = 7 clicks - install Project Beal, 6 clicks left - advance 3 times, 4 clicks left, advance 4 times - score 4 points for 19 credits. Easy

Your Digital Life is an “HQ-size matters” earner.

For example, when you you have 6 cards in hand (nb. when YDL was your 7th!), it nets +$4 (like Sure Gamble, from $2 to $6.

Note that you'll want enough clicks to both (A) draw a lot of cards (such beyond the default maximum) to gain a lot of credits, then (B) play a lot of those cards (before discarding to hand size). In particular, when you have a lot of operations in hand you want to play, or a lot of ice you want to install deeply, it gives you the credits you need to play/install them.


nb. In NBN: Reality Plus taggers (like Virtual Service Agent and Ping) are clickless/post-discard multi-drawers too. Same with (some) installation in Near-Earth Hub.


  • Sweeps Week, the “player-complement”.
  • Celebrity Gift, which earns twice as much (extremely powerful), though it maxes out at 5 as well as “spending” the cards facedownedness (but not the cards themselves).
  • Reuse, which “spends” HQ (and doesn't just count HQ).


  • IQ, another “HQ-size matters” card (though in Haas-Bioroid, the Corp faction with the most Your maximum hand size is increased by 1. effects).

Armed Asset Protection is an “archived card types matter” transaction.

Best case, you can net +$8, from $2 to $10 (= -$2+$3+5×$1+$2). For example, if you've resolved another operation, gotten an asset trashed, installed over a rezzed piece of ice, gotten an upgrade flipped faceup from an early archives breach (that you'd discarded to max hand size), and expended an unstolen agenda.

Worst case, when Archives is empty (or completely facedown), it's worse than just clicking for a credit (+$1). nb. Operations are “nonbasic actions”, and can't get any worse than “playing it is worse than taking some basic action” (unless it were stealable, I guess.)

When the three “safe & easy” types to trash (ie. operations, assets, upgrades) are archived faceup, you net +$4, like a Sure Gamble.

Note also that you can expend three card types (which are trashed faceup):

  1. ICE (Tree Line)
  2. Upgrade (Angelique Garza Correa)
  3. Agenda (Slash and Burn Agriculture)


  • Extract: Also a thematic transaction (Weyland’s theme in Borealis Cycle being “sacrificing installations”). nb. AAP synergizes with trashing rezzed cards too.
  • Government Subsidy: AAP can have a greater profit margin with a lower initial investment (or… lesser profit with higher investment than even Beanstalk Royalties).


  • Blockchain: Another “archived matters” Weyland earner, interestingly.